View Full Version : Some Mother I am!!!

26-06-09, 17:35
Right at this minute I cant cope, my daughter is 4 and she deserves so much better than me.....she goes to nursery full time (which at the present time is the best thing for both of us) however today I had to collect her early as she was complaining of ear ache (turns out she is fine, just wanting the afternoon off i think) AND i just cant cope, my mood is rock bottom and all i want to do is curl up in my bed and cry, instead i shout at her for the smallest of things....why am i such a bad mummy to her? She deserves better!!

Soemthing else i dont understand is my lack of feelings towards her or my husband, i dont feel any love towards them what so ever...I have to tell my self daily that i do love them both...i just dont fell it!! Will it ever get better?? :weep:

eternally optimistic
26-06-09, 17:54
Hi Lotte

The very fact you are reflecting about how you feel shows that you are a caring mum and partner.

I can relate to what you are saying.

I dont know your circumstances, ie. whether you suffer anxiety, depression etc, but sometimes responsibility can cloud the way you feel.

I too did the shouting thing, still do, sometimes.

If you are feeling low your thoughts and feelings are probably all over the place.

When I got really low with anxiety, I realise that many emotions, mainly excitement and happiness were not there at the top of the list.

Hope you are not feeling so bad now.

Take care.

26-06-09, 19:00
It is difficult at the best of times but when they are ill it is even harder! I have found it easier now my ds1 is seven as he is a lot more independent. My youngest is also four and can be a pain in the bum sometimes! He constantly asks for things over and over again and in the morning I really have to stop myself ranting and raving to Get shoes on NOW! etc

When I had pnd I went through a stage of feeling numb like you said and it does pass. I found the "clingy" stage very hard and find it much better as they get older as they are more independent and I get more breaks so am (hopefully!) more calm when I am with them.

I also find it helps to take them out of the house on their bikes or for a walk so we can chat as the worst thing is staying in the house with them driving me up the wall!

07-07-09, 10:07
hello i understand how u feel i have a son 3 and a daughter 9 and im a single mum i find every day a struggle coz my moods change with stress i shout at my kids 4 small things and i feel so bad 4 shouting at them i find it hard to feel close to them thinking they hate me coz all i do it shout at them i know i love them i just wish i could be a better mum 2 them:bighug1: