View Full Version : Physical exhaustion, its gone....

eternally optimistic
26-06-09, 17:48

A couple of years ago I had a bit of a breakdown, holiday induced!!! LOL.

Anyway, I want to give hope to people who have or are suffering servous exhaustion.

I had suffered, without realising, nervous exhaustion as a result of various things that had happened in my life for many many years. I thought the tiredness was normal due to working and living.... I was battered and broken physically that to even lift a hairdryer or vacuum was completely knackering and would take all my energy.

Having been put on citalopram, a low dosage, for anxiety, it gave me the opportunity to reclaim myself physically. It wasnt until 6 months into taking the tablets that I realised that amongst many things, that doing normal tasks wasnt causing me problem anymore.

Now two years on I have days when Im "normally" tired and relaxed - and it is great. I feel light and not knotted up.

I'm sure not everyone will relate to this symptom, but it plaqued me for a long long time and I didnt put the two together and never sought medical advice as I thought most people probably felt like I did.

The other thing that I have noticed, I AM CROSSING MY FINGERS TIGHTLY IN BETWEEN TYPING THIS, is that I am not constantly ill which was something that plaqued my life for a long time.

I hope this all continues and that I can get totally strong mentally now and not be such a coward in many of things I avoid.

Bye for now.

27-06-09, 16:20
Thanks for this I too am constantly tired sometimes I feel physically like a wet dishrag all limp and useless. I am so glad things turned around for you hun, its people like you whom give hope when it is so desperately needed we all need reminding that people walk out of the tunnel into the sunlight eventually and that the little light that seems so far away in the beginning does get bigger.

Thanks again


27-06-09, 16:23
That,s great to here, keep it up:yesyes:

27-06-09, 23:13
hiya J, glad to hear u are feeling better, i know that tired feeling, i have been like it lately, with lots of feels going on causing me stress, i also had a bad cold which has left me feeling exhausted and snappy.

i thought i must be ill and was worrying but i really feel that mayb i am stressing too much and my body is now saying STOP.

huge hugs girly xxx