View Full Version : Banged my head last night

26-06-09, 19:22
Smashed my head last night on the towel rail in my bathroom and after a few hours had a really bad headache.

I never blacked out or lost consciousness, My vision was also not affected.

Today my whole head is pounding though and Im worried.
Im not sure if my hearing is affected or not I can still hear clear but my left ear seems a little blocked. I dont know if this is fromt he bang or before hand or from listening to my ipod all the time.

Just looking for some reassurance


26-06-09, 19:28
your fine. head are very hard and can take alot of impact. if there was something seriously wrong ur head would hurt so bad u wouldnt be able to move let alone go to the computer and type. take an advil to relive soreness and u will feel much better by tomm, ull see.

26-06-09, 23:00
Hi there,
I know how you feel, I also always get scared. But as clumsy as I am...I always bang my head on something. Try to sleep, your headache is probably just caused by stressed. If it doesnīt go by morning, you might wanna consult some doc, just to put your mind at peace, but donīt worry, itīs most probably nothing,

27-06-09, 13:09
Thanks for the4 reassurance. Headache has gone down today and my head feels a lot better.

Thanks for the kind words.

All the best