View Full Version : Hearing about MJ causing me bad anxiety

26-06-09, 20:55
I don't know if anyone has started a thread about this.

I'm sorry Michael Jackson has died, I wasn't a fan but I hope he rests in peace after a lifetime of being in the spotlight for one reason or another. RIP MJ.

However this has caused my anxiety to rocket!! I'm sorry if that sounds selfish but it's true. I already have heart attack phobia but now I'm thinking such a fit man, such a young age (younger than me, a little!!).

On top of this I just received an email from someone I've known for 3 years, but obviously they don't know me very well. The bloody email is about heart attack ffs!!!!!!!!!!! Don't know whats in the email but the title sent me anxiety up again.

Oh bloody f******* h***** I'm so p****** off with this fear. F*** off & leave me in peace!!


26-06-09, 21:20
We do have a Michael Jackson post on the go - I started it last night as I knew people would want to talk about it.

It is under MISC.

26-06-09, 21:37
Yes Nic I saw it. I mean about it making people more anxious who have heart anxiety.

26-06-09, 21:40
He was not in good health and was not that fit and they say he was using prescripton drugs/pain killers that may have caused the problems.

magpie girl
26-06-09, 21:50
Elspeth nicola is right,he was far from in good health,and i think his pethadine intake was far from healthy.

27-06-09, 22:26
He was not in good health and was not that fit and they say he was using prescripton drugs/pain killers that may have caused the problems.

Friends who knew him said he was using prescips so much that they knew he was destined to die soon. Sadly he did not listen to the friends who really cared about him, just his enablers who fed off his fame.

27-06-09, 23:04
hiya just wanted to add that i understand how this affects anxiety esp being on every newpaper and channel etc.

both my sons like him and my middle son who is 10 suffers anxiety quite bad and certain things set him off, which start him twiching and making funny gulping noises and stuff, he also has a thing about heart attacks since a teacher died suddenly few yrs back at school, so this has set him off again and last night he was eating and doing this gulping and thought he couldnt breath properly, its not nice for him.

so i do understand Elspeth and hope u feel better soon, huge hugs xxx

29-06-09, 16:16
Hi Elspeth, I started a thread bout this anxiety as I had the same reaction as you to MJ's death. Like you I have a thing/fear of having an underlying heart problem. I am soon turning 45. All my anxiety is heart related - crazy. Just know that you are not alone in your fear & reaction. I too have received the email of the thumping heart & the warning/advice in the event of a heart attack - it freaks me out! xxxx

29-06-09, 17:20
im so glad im not alone in stressing about heart problems! it drives me mad sometimes, i try and push it out my head but its always creeps back in! i think my worrying about it goes back yrs, i was a twin and 2 months premeture and my twin sister died of a heart defect, think i have always worried that maybe i had a heart problem that was never detected! my partner also died 7 yrs ago very suddenly of cardiomyothopy, which is a heart problem, i was pregnant at the time, and his son has to be checked every 5 yrs to make sure he hasnt inherited the same problem, i feel sometimes that my irrational thoughts are taking over my life, and that im wasting it worrying all the time, just dunno how to think normally anymore!!!

29-06-09, 20:18
:hugs: Hey,we all seem to be in the same boat,don't we. SO what do we do about this? ANY ADVICE NMP administrators & senior members?

30-06-09, 15:51
Blot and the guys,

Thank you for raising this issue,

I am finding myself thinking about this for the past 3 days at work, at home, searching online about news on michael. I am paranoid about thinking that all of us will end up dropping dead at the least expected moment, that i will have a serotonin syndrome, that my kids will hav to see me dying and etc.

It is terrible - but i cant stop doing it, because of the coverage.

It is so sad, but the reality is that he was actulally killed by his fame.

02-07-09, 05:00
Looks he was acting as his own anesthesiologist. He was using a general anesthetic (diprivan) as a sleep aid . Poor guy must have built a tolerance and withdrawal from every pharmaceutical drug out there.

02-07-09, 20:39
As I have read half an hour befor he died he was given an injection of pethidine excuse spelling how much we do not know but probably more than he should have taken and we do not know if he had taken anything else befor so dont worry it wasnt murder but he was a very sick and tortured sole when the results come out I think you will find death by misadventure
not natural causes

02-07-09, 20:47
im worried also i was the night it announced his death, and i found out what drugs he was on, it worries me what i have been doing to myself taking more laxatives every day through anorexia and mefenamic acid also because it makes me go to the toilet more often :( stupid i know but i cant seem to nip the habit in the bud, got an urgent referal app at eating disorder place

with doing and taking those on top of all my other meds it does worry me and that what happened to micheal could happen to me