View Full Version : Fed right up with Anxiety ruining my life

26-06-09, 21:47

I am 26 have had a few minor anxiety issues over the years but nothing that has overtook my life like it has for the last 7 months. I was fine until my Dad died a year ago then my father in law died 3 months after. a few months after that I was having palpatations and convinced myself I was going to have a heart attack. It began from there really I had constant horrific anxiety 24 hours a day,I was terrified. I was given citalopram 4 mnths ago and have improved alot I have been back to work for2 months. Ive been having cbt and have GAD & OCD I really want children but I have been trying for a few yrs and I have complications which need to be lookedin to by a specialist. However my GP wont refer me until I have come off the tablets I am really stuck and just getting more and more depressed I do feel alot better and have agreed with my husband that we should put things off for a year anyway but I am so worried I still wont feel well enough ever again. Any advice would be great if you can give me any! thanks

26-06-09, 22:35
Hello, I can so relate to how you are feeling as a year ago I was in the same boat feeling that my life was a total mess until my GP diagnosed me with severe depression. I had been in total denial up until then as anxiety/depression happened to other people.. or so I thought. I have been on citalopram since October last year and it has really helped however counselling has also really assisted me dealing with the anxiety issues and I feel so much more positive now. Maybe that might help you too? Tracey :)