View Full Version : Liver Function Test

26-06-09, 22:45

I had some blood tests done and the Alk Phos of the Liver Function Test came out to be Abnormal, i got 156 and it said that the range was 40-130

So my GP said to do another in a week as he said there was a chance that results come out incorrectly, so in the new one it came out as 159, I had to ring up to find out the 2nd result and the nurse told me to make a visit to my GP.

So yea im seeing my GP on the Tuesday and i dont know what to expect, have i got Liver Disease? Im 19 years old and just finished my first year at university which involved a lot of drinking so im guessing that is why my results are so high :/
I have decided to stop drinking for a 1-2 months to give my liver a bit of a rest. Im really nervous dont know what to expect :(

Could this be causing some of my pains(chest, arm, armpit) along with feeling dizzy at times or is it just anxiety?

26-06-09, 23:03
Hey there,
the symptoms you described sound like anxiety. Try not to worry. And when it comes to your liver - you will know soon. Maybe itīs really your studentīs life taking its toll on you. Hang on in there! You will be just fine.

26-06-09, 23:07
Have a read of the website page..


26-06-09, 23:46
That is not an 'abnormal' result. Whenever you have a test like this your reading is compared to the mean average...just because your reading does not fit into the mean average this does not mean you have any clinical problem.

This is one of the main reason that GP's are loathe to do test after needless test on a health anxiety sufferer...the law of averages guarantee that a test will come back with a result that does not fit into the statistical average and even though this level may be totally fine and just what our level naturally is we of course start to freak out.

This has happened to me twice now and one of those was a liver function test as well...ho hum!

27-06-09, 22:14
Hi lukas89

Its only slightly high, that figure can go into the 1000's. A raised ALP on its own means nothing. ( 5 doctors have confirmed this) A very high GGT may indicate damage but that will come down.

Those symptoms are anxiety. I know all this because i have been though the same things and have had a slightly high ALP.
So dont worry:)