View Full Version : Cardiac arrest and heart anxiety --too much news about MJ's death!

26-06-09, 23:34
I'm really sad that he's gone but the news is making me anxious about my heart! I have a really big heart fear... I know I shouldn't be watching the news so much but every single time they mention cardiac arrest with MJ's death I am about to go into panic.

They say that cardiac arrest is 'abnormal heart rhythm', and I suffer from ectopics a lot especially when amped up on adrenaline, and guess what my anxiety-addled brain does? Cardiac arrest=abnormal heart rythm=ectopics=PANIC.

Now I can't get it around my head that my heart will stop the next time I panic cause my heart goes wibbly and wobbly when I do!

And I JUST got over having a fear about chest pain too, now this is back! ARGH! I can't win!

(PS, the reason I kept watching and reading the news is cause I was really curious to what happened. Everyone keeps talking about it everywhere I go and there's really no way to shut it all off! >__<)

26-06-09, 23:37
Please read this post ....


27-06-09, 02:30
Hey Phoenix

I'm exactly the same:weep: I started a thread which Nic has put on her post.

I stopped watching the news & put tv on a film channel so it wouldn't come up again! I have cardiac & respiratory neurosis (at least that's what it used to be called).

It will be a long time before we get to know exactly what he died of & by then we will have loads of other things to panic about:blush: :blush: :winks: :winks: But I have felt extremely anxious all day & am panicking already about having to go to shops 2moro:weep: :weep: :weep: Hot weather also makes me more anxious & panicky.............oh the joys!!!!!!!


27-06-09, 03:52
I am the same and my brother has just had a heart attack last sunday but he got out of hosptial on friday..
Lets face it with modern medicine there is so much more they can do for many illnesses.

All I can say is try not to focus on your heart and think of something else. When I was at my worst (please dont laugh) I would go to the hospital and run up the hospital stairs until my heart was beating fast...The idea was, if anything was wrong with me then I was in the best place....ok I know I'm sad but it worked and I spend less time thinking about my heart

Be blessed els during your shopping

Grypho....dont worry:-)

27-06-09, 13:19
i am the same also. i suffer with ectopic and the news about micheal jackson and cardiac arrest has put me in a panic about it. i suffer with health anxiety mainly about my heart. so i think im going to have to stop reading the newspaper and listening to the news also. now im going to think everytime my heart goes into a funky rythm that i am going into cardiac arrest. but then again i think micheal jackson had other health problems. like an eating disorder and he was heavily addicted to oxy cotton and before he died he just had an injection of demerol. but that still doesnt stop me from worrying
debera :hugs:

House fan
27-06-09, 14:55
Ectopic beats are no threat to life, they will not lead to sudden death... ever!

Almost every adult who experiences cardiac arrest, already has severe narrowing of the arteries. Ectopic beats are normal cardiac activity, and although annoying, they do not mean you have heart disease now, or will get heart disease in the future.

Every second person will experience ectopic heart beats in their lifetime, some people are aware of them, and others are not. Either way, they are not important, regardless of how many you are experiencing, and the risk of cardiac arrest or a heart attack from ectopic beats is zero!

I hope this helps a bit.


27-06-09, 15:09
thank you house. i feel alot better.

27-06-09, 15:47
I am so sorry. I am so sorry this situation with Michael Jackson has frightened you so. We anxiety sufferers are just too open to suggestion. If it happens to one it's gonna happen to us, and we worry ourselves endlessly over the possibilities. I am a pro at that. I know it has been said time and again, but we don't know the whole story just yet. Chances are this was drug related and in that you have to remember he made some pretty wrong choices when it came to his health, choices you most likely won't make. My bet is on that since he was still rather young. I know it is not impossible to have a heart attack at 50 or any age for that matter, but quite rare. I wish I could tell you not to be afraid, but I know that is easier said than done. Now, you are focusing on your heart and wondering what it is doing and what will happen. If you think about it, we, and especially I, have a habit of contracting symptoms from others more than illnesses. I really don't think he suffered. You all are suffering more than he and I just want you to know you will be ok. Bad things don't happen to everyone. We have our share of challenges, but over all, nothing we can't manage. Be strong and try and go about as you were before he died. I am sure that's what he would want. Hugs! Wiskers ~

27-06-09, 20:20
Ah, I'm not the only one then! I figured that with all this attention on cardiac problems we who suffer anxiety so easily would be affected. On the radio they were going on and on and on and on about heart problems and everyone can be affected and statistics on who would get what and how easy it is to get this and symptoms and etc and etc! Yes I do think this could help a lot of people especially those that don't know, but for those of us that know TOO WELL all that information, well, it's not so nice. >__<

Thank you for the reassurance everyone, esp House and Wiskers! Your wise words and logic really do help. :D :D :D

27-06-09, 20:26
Gryphoenix -- I am so pleased I could help. I know House is, too. It was our pleasure. Please keep us informed as to how you are doing. If you need to talk, feel free to PM me, ok? Hugs, Wiskers ~

27-06-09, 22:17
From people who knew MJ said he was destined to die because of his heavy HEAVY abuse of prescription meds over many years. I don't think his death is worthy of worry as it was pretty much self induced.

Hope that reality helps you feel better :)

28-06-09, 00:41
thank you for the reasurance wiskers
debera :hugs: :hugs:

Deepest Blue
28-06-09, 00:51
Goodness knows what he really was up to in the private of his own home, he must have really punished his body with so many things that I am surprised he lived for as long as he has. I don't think anybody should base his death as the standard or the norm, it sounds like he really punished his body and I don't think many people do it to that extent.