View Full Version : what causes anxiety

27-06-09, 08:08
does anyone know...how we all normal people on here sudenly be hit by this dibilatating illness,and turn us into scared ,,worried people

28-06-09, 18:51
Hi gypseywomen,

this may sound sarcastic but isn't meant to - if we knew the answer to that question then all our problems would be solved.

28-06-09, 19:23
I belive its not reciving the right information about anxiety earlier enough first time I had a panic attack I thought I was dying I didn't even know people had them wasnt aware, I think if I was taught before how to handle myself in that situation and understood why I felt that way I would have been alot better off instead I ran away !

28-06-09, 21:21
I remember the first time I had an anxiety attack. I was 15, and it freaked my mom out. She took me to the emergency room, and they told us that I had a sinus infection. :roflmao: What does a sinus infection have to do with anxiety. I had all the normal symptoms. Feeling like I can't breathe, nervousness, IBS, shaking, just plain feeling like I was going to die. So I agree with the one who said lack of information about it. After I found this site, I have been doing so much better. If I feel a weird symptom, I don't run to google anymore, I come here and read the forum and see if anyone else has experienced the same symptoms that I have. 99% of the time, there is a post on it. So I just throw it to the side as anxiety, and go on with my day. It helps it go away if I just say it's anxiety, and push it to the side. I refuse to let this bring me down, and not enjoy my children or my life anymore. Basically show this anxiety stuff that we are the boss, and it's all in our heads, and we are going to succumb to it anymore.

I know this is a little of the subject, but it may help.