View Full Version : when you hear bad things does it make you worse

27-06-09, 08:46
when you hear someone has died suddenly do you think you will be next,when you hear bad stuff on tv do you panic,,,do you always think the worse if you dont feel well,,when your out do you think you will collapse

27-06-09, 12:01
when you hear someone has died suddenly do you think you will be next,when you hear bad stuff on tv do you panic,,,do you always think the worse if you dont feel well,,when your out do you think you will collapse


27-06-09, 18:20
when i hear about someone dying it just makes me think about my own mortality and then i worry. I dont think 'o he has died of heart attack so i will have one' iykwim

27-06-09, 19:41

I can't vote on your pole as there is no options for my view.

I think we are all individuals.
Some people live an unhealth life and live to a ripe old age.
Some people lead a very healthy lifestyle and die young.
Some people have serious illnesses and make a full recovery.
Some people don't survive.

We can't live our lives thinking about what illness we are going to get next.


27-06-09, 21:25
All this depends on where I am in my thinking. If I am at peace, these things don't concern me (except the passing out thing - I still don't like going to public places for that reason); but if I am worked up, I am susceptible to anything!

27-06-09, 21:43
Lisa -- I loved what you said, it is SO true. Circumstances vary greatly depending on the individual so we can't say because this happened, it will happen to me; or this didn't happen so it won't happen to me. No matter what, the end result is the same and my rational side says we can't live our lives worrying about it. We just do the best we can. Que sera sera. Now, I just need to believe that when I am anxious and worrying and I'll have it made! ha! :)

30-06-09, 21:09
the whole "sudden" death thing does not bother me. although when my anxiety is bad, and i hear about horrible illnesses, especially terminal ones, then i start a long worrisome pattern of thinking that is really hard to get out of.

01-07-09, 09:23
The first 3 ones are my main problems, I allways have a weird habit of seeing things as "Signs" for some reason, With the death of Micheal Jackson & stuff I felt asif it was a warning that I should go to the doctor & stuff. Luckely its not as bad as it was anymore, when my HA first started and before I found this awesome forum it seemed asif EVERYTHING reminded me of diseases & Dieing, Television, Internet, Games everything..

Like I was watching Animal Planet, and I poor monkey was very sick, They found a tomour and she died, I got afraid. I was playing an online game with some other people, Came to a part where some ugly giant "Infects" a random person with a disease every little while, and I kept getting it! Saw it as a sign. Was watching some funny video's on youtube, and the lyrics of a sing had the word "Cancer" in it, I got terrified again.

Everything that reminds me of diseases kindoff scares me, even though I dont want to...it just does... But I've learned to handle it and dont have alot of trouble with it anymore now!

Kind regards,



02-07-09, 15:57
unfortunately it is one of my major problems. Inadequate extremely prolonged reaction to bad news and negative emotions is something i am trying to work on by intentionally limiting thinking time and grieving period, otherwise ot throws me into anxiety boost and afrer depression.

03-07-09, 04:47
I don't think it will happen to me. I feel sad that so many other people have to go through that stuff :(

I wish I could help them. Then I feel helpless. I wish I could make them feel happier, but I am powerless because life has screwed them. That's why I get sad & worried too easily. I wish I could, but I have to accept that I can't save people the way I would like to. That's the way life flows...

All i can do is be my cheery self & people can take me or leave me. I need to let go of caring if I can make others smile or not. It's a pipe dream. I can keep trying, but I shouldn't care!

15-07-09, 18:23
I think all of them apart fomr the last one of being out and thinking I will pass out.
