View Full Version : Fever or Anxiety?

27-06-09, 10:17
for the last day or two iv felt hot at different points of the day sometimes i put it down to a hot room other times ive thought what if its a fever..... this has re-escalated my lymphoma fears im starting to think this is progression but to be fair im probably being stupid.

i bought a forehead thermometer and i got 1 or 2 38c readings but the room was very hot and id just had my tea.

the others seem to be between 37c and 36c which as far as im aware there normal.

it is the green square which is your temp when pressed against your head isnt it ?

Could this be anxiety ? or should i worry? i feel hot and sweaty during the day it comes and goes, i have also had a bit of a lingering headache over the past few days


27-06-09, 10:55
I wouldn't trust them forehead thermometers tbh as they sometimes read the temp of the room instead. Also I left one in the sun once and forgot and it gave me and my son the highest temp reading because the sun had ruined it and I panicked!

I think it is just anxiety. I honestly don't think anything is wrong with you.

Have you told the doctor your concerns just to put your mind at rest? x

27-06-09, 12:20
i have been to the doctors a few weeks ago and said i as still worried about lymphoma he told me not to worry as id be seriously ill after a year.

how ever this "fever" is really making me worry i dont really wanna go back to the docs and anyway im away this week i wont get a chance till a week on monday

can you really get a fever from anxiety also the headache is annoying right across my forehead

27-06-09, 16:58
id appreciate some responses

it appears to have calmed down is only when i think about it or think im over it that i get them now.

also my headache is still present across my forehead could this be sinus related?

01-07-09, 12:07
Hi Little Mac I hope you are feeling better.

Have you had alook at the symptoms of anxiety in left hand of the screen. It lists very much changes in temperature and flushes and sweats.

The most important thing here for you to bare in mind that the symptoms of lymphoma are due to the body attacking the cancerous cells. Therefore the adrenaline system is at work here. But this is also the body's way of dealing with almost every other stressor or 'attack' wether chickenpox, leprosy or health anxiety!! The body uses its adrenal glands to mount its defence. So to tsay that you m,ust have lymphoma because you have signs of adrenal system activation is actually really very wrong and like saying in the height of summer thats it must actuallt be winter becuase there is a slight wind. You can kind of see why your dr is not in agreeance with you about the meaning of your symptoms
You have anxiety not lymphoma.

I hope your feeling oky

Lisa xxx