View Full Version : Checked Google worrying now !

27-06-09, 19:36
Hey everyone ! :)
last couple of months ive had a weird skin discolorment under my pubic hair doesnt itch and its only in certain areas but hasnt gone away started worrying about it out of the blue today and started checking google for answers which came back with skin cancer ! :ohmy: and some other crazy symptoms just wondering if anyone has had anything similar ??



27-06-09, 21:51
Hey everyone ! :)
last couple of months ive had a weird skin discolorment under my pubic hair doesnt itch and its only in certain areas but hasnt gone away started worrying about it out of the blue today and started checking google for answers which came back with skin cancer ! :ohmy: and some other crazy symptoms just wondering if anyone has had anything similar ??



Forget it, you are fine.

27-06-09, 22:27
ok ill try to, I know deep down everything is magnified because of my anxiety just hard to keep it under control sometimes ! :blush:

27-06-09, 22:31
If it worries you, it's always best to go see a GP and have them look at it. Odds are you will be sent home feeling a huge weight off your shoulders.

There is nothing wrong with having stuff like that checked out for precaution, that's what doctors are for.

28-06-09, 03:31
Like emuirhead mentioned above, if you are totally and completely worried, then you can always refer to the GP, you can go, have a chat, GP does what they have to do to check your problem out and you walk out of the Docs feeling more reassured and less worried than you did.

Also, can I add that the worst thing you can do is google symptoms. Google is not qualified, instead Google brings up a whole load of crap (usually something frighteningly terminal or life threatening if you're googling health issues!!) and Google is extremely unprofessional by dragging up all this crap. So in conclusion, you're gunna end up misdiagnosed. If you consult a Doctor, you're chances of being misdiagnosed are extremely rare...what would I refer to? Definately a Doctor!!!!!

Google always feeds irrational thoughts and fears and always ends up in you panicing and worrying so much more.

With a Doctor, you can atleast be heavily reassured that it ain't serious! :)

Take care,

Chrissy xx

28-06-09, 05:12
ok ill try to, I know deep down everything is magnified because of my anxiety just hard to keep it under control sometimes ! :blush:

And if you go to the doctor every time you are just pandering to your HA. You know deep down that there is nothing wrong can you be stronger than your HA? :flowers::flowers::flowers:

28-06-09, 10:40
yeah I think I can control it at one stage I was going backwards and forwards to the docs every week got to a stage where they was sick of seeing me lol
but its calmed down alot now, once Ive started uni in september should help keep me occupied :D

28-06-09, 11:44
yeah I think I can control it at one stage I was going backwards and forwards to the docs every week got to a stage where they was sick of seeing me lol
but its calmed down alot now, once Ive started uni in september should help keep me occupied :D

You can do it. What degree are you doing in uni?

28-06-09, 19:11
Im doing a computer game design course at Wolverhampton Uni lol so should keep me well occupied :D

29-06-09, 06:30
Im doing a computer game design course at Wolverhampton Uni lol so should keep me well occupied :D

Yes it should, so forget get about your bits:yesyes: (that's unless they are being used for other things).

My son is on his second degree he has one in computer science and now he is doing physics.

Good luck.:flowers:

PS if you still are looking at your skin you could go and see the nurse at the uni and let her look.

29-06-09, 09:58
Just got back from the doctors and guess what..... was nothing again lol she gave me some cream and said its nothing major and sent me on my way so much for worrying all weekend !!