View Full Version : sort of lump in my throat/chest

27-06-09, 20:28
I am normally quite good at putting new symptoms down to anxiety. I started off about a week, ten days ago with a tightening feeling in my neck, sort of like it was constricting a bit. I have been anx of late so I just kinda thought I either had a mild throat/larynx infection, or it was anxiety. My cpn, when I told her about it, said she could hear it in my voice. I am not aware of any change in my voice, so I think she was humouring me:blush:

Since then, the tight feeling has moved down. I have a tight/mildly sore feeling at my throat, which is like a lump when I swallow. I feel whatever I have swallowed, it seems, all the way down to my stomach. My chest feels tight constantly and I am tight across the back too. Mildly sore, tight/crushed. Then almost every few moments, I am refluxing something from my stomach.
Through the night, I was awake most of the night with what felt like a tennis ball in my gullet. I have been taking antacids all day but they are not helping.

So............I don't want to google. I don't want to go to doc if it is just anx, although, to be fair to myself, I hardly ever go to my gp.

Any ideas?


27-06-09, 20:42
Hi Happyone,

This feeling is known as Globus Hystericus and is extremely common in anxiety sufferers. Please try not to worry and focus on it too much (easier said than done I know!) I had it myself for a few weeks recently - I tried Ignatia which seemed to help for me but it truly disappeared when I relaxed and accepted it was really down to anxiety. I think there are other sufferers on this forum who'll tell you the same thing.

Best Wishes,
Nicola xxx

27-06-09, 20:45
Happyone -- I take it this is a symptom you are constantly dwelling on, no? You are smart not to google it, and you were smart to talk to someone about it. Recently, I have felt like the back of my throat was kind of raw. Sometimes it felt like it had a lump in it, and I got hoarse from time to time when talking. I know mine is stress/anxiety related because I have a lot on my plate right now. Yet, the more I thought about it, the worse it was. I kept "checking" to make sure I could still feel it, I wasn't satisfied with not feeling it, I guess. I would wake up and feel fine, then I started thinking about it and there it was and would last all day. Is that you? I think your symptoms started out as a stress symptom -- anything new going on in your life right now that is stressful? -- but the more you worried about it, it moved from stress to anxiety and that makes the symptoms last, get worse, and now you are stuck with a plethera of more symptoms to be had. Your nerves are playing games with you. Somehow, at this point, mine has gone away I think because my mind is too busy on other things. I know it is hard, but try that. Do something you enjoy, or do something that would take concentration -- sometimes I try and draw, or take an online test, write, or something so I am intently focusing on something else -- and see if it helps. Also, face what is stressing you right now and see if you can make some peace with it. Everything will resolve on its own at some point, but it will be up to you as to how long it will take. I am sure that is strange to hear, "It is up to you .." It's true, though. Also, check out www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com) and scan the list of anxiety symptoms there -- it will certainly reassure you. That is my "google"!! :) Hugs, Wiskers ~

27-06-09, 21:15
Thank you,

It seems some times that when I have had every anxiety symptom known to humankind, that I develop a new one. I hate how it holds me. When it first started in my throat, I thought I was doing well by saying "It's ok, it's only anxiety" and thought that would be an end of it, but it's not. My anxiety seems to be getting worse despite massive input from my mht and shed load of medication. I also do meditation and all the right things. Why won't it go away? (Don't really expect an answer to this...I am just sick of my personal battle with anxiety just now:weep: )

28-06-09, 13:06
I totally understand where you are coming from happyone, please see my post in the sub forum re: Acid Reflux/Throat/Chest. x

28-06-09, 14:47
Thanks Ali,
I did read it. It sounds a right pain for you.:mad:

I am hoping I have been fortunate and having managed to convince myself it was an anxiety symptom, it seems to have almost gone:) I slept well last night and when I awoke today, other than slight constricting, it was gone.


28-06-09, 21:22
yes the lady above is correct that it is called globus hystericus..try not to dwell on it too much and you will find it will go i have suffered with this too..almost the same feeling as when you are going to cry you get the lump in the throat feeling thats why the name actually means hysterical lump..keep calm it will go xx

23-07-09, 21:36

my symptoms just kept on getting worse. Soon the pain was gripping me and no amount of antacids or painkillers were removing it. Eventually I had to go to doc. Turns out I have an ulcer in my gullet:ohmy: I am not dismissing the globus hystericus cos I think that has been happening at the same time. However, with afew days treatment so far, I am already so much more comfortable.

02-12-09, 18:49
Hi, I've had for the past year stomach pains on and off, various trips to the docs have been pointless, so having changed Docs I now have a lovely Doc, who listens and has begun treatment for H Pylori, however, today has been an awful day and part of my symptoms has been a feeling that I have food stuck in my gullet, one doc put that down to anxiety a while ago, but havin looked at H pylori, this can be a symptom of it too, so I was hoping starting this treatment it would just disappear.
It is the most horrible feeling, like my throat is closing and constricted and I burp alot!
Today I had it worse than ever, my throat was so bad I ended up in tears to my Doc, she gave me diazipan to calm my anxiety and says that I have Globus, I poured my worries out that I think it's cancer etc, and she assured me that from my symptoms, she ISN'T worried that it's anything else than Globus, and to take the diazipam for 2 days and to go back if I'm still as bad.
I just would like to know if anyone else agrees with her diagnosis, and anyone that has it or has had it-and can I see and end to this??
I dont feel I'm anxious about anything really, I get wound up at normal family life and kids, but no real worries-only this now.
I keep tryin to convince myself it's nothing bad, but when it's there (all the time) it's so hard to believe it's just anxiety.
Help, I feel so upset by it all!!

04-12-09, 21:12
Hi, could U tell me what treatment you have been given for your ulcer, as this I've been told by my Doc will be the next thing I'm tested for, because of me burping alot, the pain waking me etc she thinks that's what it is anyway, however at the mo, I'm being treated for H Pylori.

24-11-13, 03:22
sorry to start an old thread, but was wondering if anybody has had luck with any of the symptoms posted?? I have been having a lumpy feeling in my throat, and some pain just under the rib cage on my left side. I was in Jamaica a yr ago, and got really sick and ended up in the hospital from food poisoning and just have never felt the same since. I have been taking wellbutrin for anxiety for about 4-6 months, and 2 months ago I was diagnosed with H-Pylori, which I belive was from Jamaica. I have had 2 rounds of antiobiotics, and feel great for awhile, but this lumpy feeling in my throat is still coming on. It's not as bad in the mornings, worse in the evenings or after I eat it seems like. curious if anybody has had resolutions. I have had tests done about 4 yrs ago because it felt like I was having a heart attack, multiple trips to the ER, so they did EKG, CT scan, MRI, barium tests, and everything from my head to my heart to my stomach came back normal. I have a feeling this is anxiety related, and I know it gets worse because I dwell on it, but I just cant get over the feeling like something is wrong, and I know that makes it worse. I don't know what else to try, the dr said the next test they would do would be an upper GI test, but she really doesn't think it is necessary. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!