View Full Version : really panicky - need advice/reassurance

27-06-09, 21:50
hey, i have had a headache for the past three days and i think it must be a brain tumour or brain aneurysm. the headache tends to be on my nose and around my eyes, and on the sides of my head. at times it can be quite painful, tablets dont seem to be working. what do you think it could be? do you think it could be a brain tumour? its making me feel ill, i can't cope with this anymore.
Please reply
Luv Louise

27-06-09, 22:01
Sinus problems

Not a tumour.

27-06-09, 22:26
i have got a bit of a blocked nose, i havn't really got a full on cold though just a blocked nose could it be that? any ideas how to get it better? also...i'm starting to feel a bit dizzy could that just be where im getting anxious about headache?
please reply
Luv louise

27-06-09, 23:19
Yeah, does sound like sinus problem, you dont need to have a full on cold for that. and the dizziness could be because its affects the balance mechanism in your ears, and obviously a part anxiety too. some painlkillers and possible antibiotics if you have an infection will sort you out , but honestly nothing to worry about...

P x