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08-09-05, 03:18

I have been on Buspar(minor traquilizer) and Zoloft(sertraline hci) but I have been taking xanax witch is a benzo like diazepam in the UK. I have been taking the xanax without my doctors approval and I think that I am now addicted to it. I don't know what to do. I am scared to go to the doctors 'cause I think that they will yell at me. I want help to come off of it. But I don't know what route to take. Can anyone help me. I will greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!!!!


"Never give up the Fight!"

08-09-05, 03:25
Hi there, Whenever you start a new course of tablets, it is very hard to come of it and you will suffer a lot of side effects, you need to speak to your doctors to see if you can swap to another one if youre wanting to change, but anything like that needs to be done gradually otherwise it will cause problems. Dont panic.

"The truth is out there" Frank Gallagher, Shameless

08-09-05, 03:35
Hi Brandy!
I take Buspar and Zoloft too. I took Xanax briefly, so I never was addicted to it. I would agree with OCD. Tell your Dr. how desperate you were to have this anxiety/panic go away and that you really needed extra help. Chances are, he/she probably would have prescribed you the Xanax anyway in the beginning if you were really having a hard time of it. I was told that Xanax is basically a tranquilizer for those moments when panic just cannot be calmed. Psychiatrists usually want you to have a tranquilizer (like Xanax) for emergencies when you have panic.
I think your doctor will appreciate your honesty and your desperation.
Hoping the best for you!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

08-09-05, 09:31

Coming off slowly is vital.



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-09-05, 20:33
Hi Brandy
When I was taked off of xanax, the doc had to ween me off over a period of several months.
I know that you don't want the doctor to know that you were taking them without a prescription but you really should tell him so you can get off of it now. The longer you are on it the more dependant you will become.


08-09-05, 20:38
Come off extremely slowly Brandy - the slower, the better :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

09-09-05, 00:53
Thanks everyone... I went to the doctor today and he not to care at all.. he said since that I have taking them at a low dose anyways I should not have a problem. But I think I do...

Thanks for your concern all! I need all the help I can get...


"Never give up the Fight!"

23-09-05, 02:28

Well I went to Detox for the xanax addiction! and it helped... They put me on other meds. They are neurotin and phetabarbatol they are both anti sezure drugs. I am not sure about them also! The phetabarb is to wean me off of the xanax. I know that the neurotin is also a anxiety med... I need reassurance and is anyone else on this?? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

I hate taking pills and it seems like I keep getting more and more...



"Never give up the Fight!"

24-09-05, 05:18
Yay Brandy!!
So glad for you! What a relief!!
You are under medical supervision, so that should calm your mind a bit. I don't know anything about your new meds, but don't worry about the meds. Once you settle in and get your body/mind calmed, the fears about meds should go away too.

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

24-09-05, 15:39
Thanks all!!!

I am soooo happy to be off of xanax!!!!


"Never give up the Fight!"