View Full Version : hate life

27-06-09, 22:05
just having a rant to see if lettin s**t out makes me feel any beta.

i want to die, but to scared to kill myself. i have had severe depression for 10 yrs and anxiety disorders for 6. i am also addicted to gambling and have been since i was in my teens, now 28.
my problem at the moment is i went on a drinking bender through the week, i dnt normally drink as i get a hangova for abt 4 days and i get suicidal for abt a week, i feel im the only person in the world that drink effects so bad.
i dnt know anything to make me feel beta,
somtimes i feel like slitting my wrists to get some sort of help. no 1 really knows how u feel. we all have probs but they are different so we all feel bad in different ways. life is pointless.

hope i dnt get any1 down, just had to let it out.

bye xx

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27-06-09, 22:34
So sorry to read how down you're feeling right now.
Alcohol is a depressant as you may know, so that's probably contributed to your low mood which is quite common.
Have you been to any GA meetings? I have a friend who goes and he finds them helpful.
Please let us know how you are.
Best wishes.

27-06-09, 22:42
yeah ive tried GA a few times.
to be honest i dnt even think i want to give up.
it may sound silly but gambling is the only release from this hell i get.
except it also causes so much problems.
i feel like my doc doesnt care anymore, been treating me for 10 yrs n think hes gave up

27-06-09, 22:54
Has your doctor diagnosed you with anything like depression/anxiety?

27-06-09, 23:00
hiya hun, i have the same thing when i drink to much alchohol and it last for days, so i dont drink much now. i suffered dep but got over it, i still have anxiety though.

its really hard to know wot to say as everyone is so different, but for me when i felt bad, i had 5 months of cbt with a great counsellor who helped loads, i also exercise every day it trully keeps me sane, i power walk ever day and when istarted it was the last thing i wanted to do but i pushed myself and after a month or so, i was getting a better buzz then any pills etc and it was starting to make me more positive and motivated and start to feel better about myself, the thing is though you have to push yourself to do it until eventually as mad as it sounds u will want to do it.

talking too is a must with anxiety and dep and often family is useless like mine were and i struggled alone mostly, but u can do it and learn to feel better and also not need to gamble anymore.

sorry i cant be much help to you but i am here if u need to chat, pm me any time. xxx

27-06-09, 23:05
yeah ive been diagnosed with depression for abt 10 years now and anxiety/panic disorders for abt 6 yrs.

i know what your sayin donna but its like i aint strong enuff to make myself do anything and i constantly feel unwell.


27-06-09, 23:08
yes i hear you hun, r u on meds now? if they not working etc have u been able to change them? i also found that i had to have routine when suffering dep else i would be in bed most of day feeling like crap, nowadays i am constantly busy as it my way of coping and not giving myself time to over think about stuff etc. xxx

27-06-09, 23:13
yeah im on effexor 300mg a day have been for abt 6 yrs. dnt think there doing anything for me but cant get off them. tried weaning them doon ect but the withdrawls are really bad and i have to up the dose again. also take diazepam 5mg a few times a day

27-06-09, 23:16
do u have a counsellor at all matey? anyone to to talk too etc, just wondering sometimes we need to get to root causes of things and realise wot causes us to feel and do wot we do.

mayb u need change of meds hun too, but wouldnt know wot to say about weaning u off them etc.

27-06-09, 23:35

You might feel so badly when you drink because you aren't supposed to drink when taking anti-depressants, I don't think they mix well together. Perhaps you might have an addictive personality (most people do) and yours are gambling and alcohol. If your therapist is not helping, maybe it is time to get a new one. We are not supposed to discuss suicide on this site but I will leave some phone numbers you could call for help. Whatever you do, don't give up. I think changes just need to be made in your life for help so you can feel better. Please discuss these issues with your doctor, get a new therapist and do your best to stop drinking and gambling. There must be some 12 step programs in your area. Let us know how you are doing because we care.

Take care,



28-06-09, 17:26
hi all
thanx for your support, i dnt have a drinking prob lucky if i drink 4 or 5 times a yr, but i do have an addictive personallity,
waitin on a new councillor at the moment as my old 1 has moved jobs. really liked her aswell, was the first 1 i felt ok with and ive tried abt 12.
the tiredness n feelin unwell 24/7 is whats hurtin me the most, any1 any tips or ways to combat this.

thanx again

28-06-09, 22:37
Are you able to leave your home and go for a walk to get some exercise as sometimes that can make people feel better?

29-06-09, 00:05
i can leave my home yeah.
just that i feel to tired or unwell most of the time.
its kind of like ive given up.