View Full Version : serotonin syndrome

28-06-09, 08:21
Does anybody know more about the possibility of accuring of this adverse reaction of the antidepressants, tranquilisers and painkillers together or byitself? It says it can be antiderpressant byitself that can cause it.

I am worried sick about this after they say this is what killed MJ.
Didnt even take my 10mg cipralex doze last night.
Why it happens, with what dozes and can it happen after years of taking?


28-06-09, 14:27
I had this from an SSRI. I heard a noise as if someone was scratching a metal pole, when I turned my head. I withdrew from the drug very slowly and then it got much worse. I cried all the time, it was horrible, I was spaced out. Then one day, I woke up and that noise was gone. I started reading the message boards and found that Paxil and Effexor were the worst as far as his goes (they refer to it as electrical shock syndrome)...I truly felt that I was being electrocuted periodically. That was the last time I ever took an antidepressant. That MADE me depressed and more scared than I had ever been.

However, I would not suggest just quitting cold turkey. Speak to your doctor about weaning off, if that's what you want to do. Or switching to something like Prozac where this is less of an issue, from what I have read.

28-06-09, 17:00
I had this from an SSRI. I heard a noise as if someone was scratching a metal pole, when I turned my head. I withdrew from the drug very slowly and then it got much worse. I cried all the time, it was horrible, I was spaced out. Then one day, I woke up and that noise was gone. I started reading the message boards and found that Paxil and Effexor were the worst as far as his goes (they refer to it as electrical shock syndrome)...I truly felt that I was being electrocuted periodically. That was the last time I ever took an antidepressant. That MADE me depressed and more scared than I had ever been.

However, I would not suggest just quitting cold turkey. Speak to your doctor about weaning off, if that's what you want to do. Or switching to something like Prozac where this is less of an issue, from what I have read.

Lauren I'm not sure what you are talking about is Serotonin Syndrome, especially as when you withdrew it "got worse". Serotonin Syndrome is an adverse reaction (toxicity) that occurs to drugs that affect serotonin levels, sometimes caused more by interactions between two or more drugs that do the same. What you're describing sounds like side effects to the drug you were taking followed by withdrawal not Serotonin Syndrome which can occur at any dose of any drug that modifies serotonin uptake and is more common the higher the dose of a drug you take, hence when you stop the Serotonin Syndrome effect is diminished. I think what you're referring to is SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome, that's a different thing and does include the electric shock effects you mentioned.

Thumbalina, providing you are aware of the drugs you're taking and don't mix up two drugs that affect serotonin levels at a low dose an antidepressant is extremely unlikely to cause Serotonin Syndrome. It's not an exact science it'll depend very much on the person taking it, but regardless of anything else the affect on a normal healthy adult are not life threatening providing the drug is stopped.

When it does occur, it'll occur when you start taking a new drug, up the dose of a drug you're already taking or start taking a new drug alongside one you're already on that interact. You're on a low dose of your medication and as I'll assume you've been taking it for a while if it's not happened yet it's not going to happen (unless you change something).

I had this a few years ago when I first took Citalopram, it was a rare occurrence, I did end up going to A&E cos I was a bit worried and although I stopped taking Citalopram at that point I've later taken it at the same and higher doses without the same effect.

Any drug of this sort has the potential to cause it, but a single drug at a low dose will only cause this in exceptionally rare cases, and interestingly enough being at a low dose the effect will subside far more quickly once the drug is removed.

Don't stop taking your medication, I don't know how long you've been taking it but it doesn't just occur mid-treatment unless something else changes, and the chances are so slim at your dose that you're doing yourself more harm than good by missing doses.

28-06-09, 17:41
Cococj, thank you for the clarification. I do remember going to a psychopharmacologist who told me there is too much serotonin in my system and he used that term. However, I looked it up just now and you are correct in the true sense of the term.

30-06-09, 16:24
thanks cococj, for explanations.

I think i had it as well 3,5 years ago when the only doctor available at a time for me was a GP experimenting with around 5 diff antidepress and 3 different antianx. with me.

It that point i havent had a clue what was happening to me - as well as i didnt know anything about the effect these medications could have, i just wanted to take any pill anything to bring me back to reality.

After couple of weeks of diferent coctails and trying different combination on the doctors advise i became severely intoxicated and end up in ER.
Still after that in that hospital nobody told me anything clearly.

I live in a different country now and have a better mdical help, i have been stable on cipralex 20 and later 10mg for 3 years and occassionnally sulpride.

I am very scared since then of medications even at times of relapses.
