View Full Version : hi there, new girl

28-06-09, 11:11
hello all, this is my first time on here and from reading through all the forums i am glad i don't feel so alone.
im 33 with 2 children, and been married for 2 years, my problems started about 5 months ago after i was diagnosed with TMJ.
i to have seen my doctor and she told me i have Globus Hystericus, but the feeling i most hate is the tightness under my chin, it feels like i have a huge double chin and that it is so swollen i start to panic and it effects my day to day life.
some days i don't want to eat as it feels like someone is trying to strangle me, and then some days it can go away and i feel ok.
im always asking my hubby if my chin looks big and he always says no, but the feeling drives me loopy!
my doctor gave me Citalopram 20mg to take but so far i have not taken them as im too scared incase i have a reaction, plus i have read that they give quite bad side effects.
any advice would be extremley grateful, but reading on here has also helped me as none of my friends seem to understand.
oh, and yes i am very stressed out so that is a cause of the problem!

Funky Mum
28-06-09, 11:13
HI and welcome :)
I can't help with advice, sorry, but wanted to say hi :)

28-06-09, 11:18
hi funky mum, thanks for replying

no worries about the advice lol, its just nice to be able to talk to people who suffer from the same sort of thing.:)

28-06-09, 22:58
Hi and :welcome: to NMP.Im sure you will find lots of help and support here. Luv Suex

29-06-09, 03:37
Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


Deepest Blue
29-06-09, 04:49
Hi wewantfun, :welcome: to NMP, I hope you will find the support you need here.

Take Care.

29-06-09, 08:15
Hi wewantfun and welcome, there is loads of advice on here about the sypmtons etc of panic, I also suffer from the swollen throat feeling where as you cant swallow, apparantly this is one of the ways our bodies respond to anxiety.