View Full Version : Changing moles

28-06-09, 13:03
I have been doing quite well with my health anxiety until recently when my psycologist has told me he is leaving at the end of August!!!!

Anyway, i went shopping today and was changing in the cahnging room when i noticed that a mole on my tummy was red. COMPLETE PANIC set in. It had a red ring around it and i was completely panic stricken. Anyway after trying to calm myself down and by the time i got home and after hundreds of checking the red ring has now gone and i am now convincing myself i must have stratched it of caught whilst changing (it isn't a really bobbly one just is raised).

I just need some reassurance now as the more i look at it the more i am conviced it has changed from what i remember. The problem is i can't really remember what it did look like normally and whether i can trust myself to know. It does feel like it has a little scab on the top of it maybe indicating i have scratched it before somehow????? maybe a spot underneath??????

What i want to know is can moles change without them being something horrible????

Please don't give symptoms etc to look out for etc it will just panic me more thats why i don't google thanks x x x

miss diagnosis
28-06-09, 15:53

i have one on my chest that goes red somtimes if clothes rub against it.
its perfetly normal.

under stand what your going through cos i freaked out recently about 2 moles and had to go to 2 doctors for reassurance! turns out one of them wasnt even a mole.it was a skin irritation from my bra!

28-06-09, 18:03
Thanks so much for your reply, it is looking better now, not sure if i have a spot of something under it. it doesn't help with me keep checking and prodding it all the time!!!

29-06-09, 21:40
If you are really worried they have mole clinics at certain superdrugs throughout UK. I went through a stage of seriously obsessing and booked in with them as had to wait ages on nhs and all checked now.