View Full Version : Pain above right eye

28-06-09, 19:25
No marks there at all.It hurts when i touch my right eye brow.Could it be fibromyglaia?
i'm on citalopram

29-06-09, 02:30
if it's pain on pressure like a bruised feeling it would most likely be an irritated sinus? This happens to me a lot with no explanation and no other sinus symptoms..

29-06-09, 13:20
i suffer terrible hayfever and i have a blocked left eustachian tube

29-06-09, 14:55
I ***think*** I have sinus problems due to facial pain and pressure and lots of tests that find nothing and my eyebrows are very sore if i press on it - either in the middle by the nose, or further along the brow lines

29-06-09, 22:04
i suffer terrible hayfever and i have a blocked left eustachian tube

Chrisi, It will most likely be hayfever, one of the main causes of sinus pain is allergy. Yes I get that too. This time of year is hell for me. I have terrible sinuses. It feels like I have duct tape across my cheeks or something. But, really, it's just hayfever.
I found that acrivastine is the hayfever med that works for me, I was afraid to try it at first but I'm glad I did. I've told other people about it and they have found it a lot better than loratadine and cetri..whatsit also.
It can cause tiredness and sometimes it does but I prefer that to the constant symptoms!
Strangely though, it doesnt stop the sinus pain. But you cant have everything :)