View Full Version : panic attacks

28-06-09, 19:32
hi my name is hayley, i am 23 and have 2 children and an amazing boyfriend but he just dont get my panic attacks

my boys are 2 nearly 3 and my other boy is 2mts, i have been suffering from panic attacks now for 2 years or so,

they are getting worse every day and my doctors are useless i have tried tablets and they made me worse, everytime i go back to the doctors that keep fobing me off, oh your too depressed its not the right time to have councilling the latest one was its too soon after having a baby, useless

i just dont know what to do anymore i am convinced i cant go through another one, my mum is fed up with them she is getting anoyed with me when i phone her when i get them in the middle of the night, and my boyfriend works away so is never here, but he too just gets angry at me when i have one and saysw they are stupid

panic attacks run my life everywhere i go i have a panic attack, i dont socialise anymore, i cant even have a drink thats probably the worse thing ever, i see all my friends going out drinking and having fun and i just cant, i feel im losing everyone around me, its just a count down till i lose my boyfriend, im no fun anymore, i just dont know what tgo do, i just want to stop feeling like this and forget about all the negative thoughts and what could go wrong and live each day happily, i dont think im depressed i just panic about having panic attacks and my body naturally bring on them, i cant control them

28-06-09, 19:42
Hi i'm just the same I have regular panic attacks scare the life out of me. Everyone around me just don't understand I used to be so happy but now i'm down all the time, I have palpatations and when I go out i get really panicky.
Doc's think i'm depressed gave me anti depressents which made me worse so came off them. I am now trying to soldier on I have just bought Claire weekes book and that describes all about panic it is really good.. I hop eyou feel better soon Take Care you will be ok :bighug1:

28-06-09, 22:16
:hugs: :hugs: Hi and :welcome: toNMP Hayley.You will get lots of help and support from people who know and understand what you are going thru .Take care Sue

28-06-09, 22:23
Hi Haley

I am so sorry that you are having such a tough time. You have just replied to one of my posts, and while I do have a "wobbler" now and again, I am generally much much better these days and do have a life. BUT !!!!!! I let it go on for far to long when it first started, being fobbed off like you and it was years before I found the proper help. I even had doctors say "sorry there is nothng more I can do for you" which I believed at the time, that nearly finished me off, now I know he was talking rubbish.

Change your Doctor, even your surgery and ask them who the best doctor is for mental health problems. They are not offering you counseling because it is expensive, no other reason, keep nagging. There is loads of good advice on this site, just give it all a go until you find something that works for you, because you will find something, it just takes a bit of time and hard work. Claire Weekes is certainly a good place to start.

Good luck
Mistral x

29-06-09, 03:35
Hi Hayley,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


29-06-09, 11:30
hi hayley,

You poor thing, i know how you must be feeling, i have only just joined here myself, but reading everyones posts has already made me feel a little less anxcious, its nice to know that there are lots of people out there feeling the same, and that we arnt going mad as i regulaly feel at the moment!, my doctor has put me on beta blockers, i was a little scared taking them, but they do seem to be helping slightly, i still panic about going out, but have to push myself!

I hope you get lots of help and support on here
Khirstie xxxx:)