View Full Version : Newcomer, to NMP and to panic attacks...

28-06-09, 19:57
Hi all

I've started having mild panic attacks for the last two weeks after a scary episode at work. Thursday I had my first full blown panic attack and they have been happening often since (2-3 times a day). it does not help I am on my own right now (husband away until tomorrow) and my family is in another country.
I feel scared and lonely and desperate that this will affect my life and work and family life etc.
I am planning on booking counseling tomorrow and going on a holiday to help me get started on sorting myself out.
Just had a panic attack (thought my throat was closing and that I could not breathe) about 5 minutes ago and rang my husband who is leaving the place where he is to come and help me but I now feel I've bullied him into doing so...
My neck feels stiff and my head heavy and so I rand NHS direct because I thought I had meningitis... I was telling the girl on the line that she didn't understand my symptoms...I've been checked by doctors (thought I had a problem with my heart) and they said everything is physically fine, so now I think they are wrong... feel I am loosing my mind, it is horrible.
I am normally a logical person (since I am a scientist) but cannot stop thinking my symptoms up or, like it was this morning, that, even though I was feeling better it was just a matter or time until I had another attack.

I don't want to and can't live like this, I want to start therapy of some kind but I feel it won't help the attakcs, as stupid as it seems I just want someone to give me something tohelp me live my life again.

Sorry about the long message... had to get this out of my chest and I think people here will understand... I just want to live happy again.

28-06-09, 20:37
hiya panic attacks are horrible, i always think the doctors are wrong and there is something wrong with me, my partner too works away and dont understand what i am going through, i dont feel safe and wish i had a safe spot, i wish i cud lose myself and feel peace, i had to leave my cousins bbq yesterday cause i was having a panic attack and they didnt understand and got angry because i was leaving early, i have found this site very helpful and i only joined today lol

28-06-09, 22:01
Thank you for the kind messages. I am finding this site incredibly useful, it is amazing people out there are going through the same think as I am and dealing with it, one way or another, it gives me hope.
Speaking to family members I realize that this actually seems to run in the family and speaking about their experiences is starting to help me.
Next move is to get some counseling and hopefully some CBT (although I wish I could have medication when I am at a anxious or panic moment I really know I should try other approaches first...) and a holiday away from the stressful environment I work in. Luckily my boss is really understanding and told me to take a week off without having to book in the days!

First step to getting better is to recognize that I do have panic/anxiety issues. Even though I don't feel really logical when I'm not feeling well!

28-06-09, 22:20
Welcome to NMP Bio isy. Hope you feel better soon ,luv Sue:welcome:

29-06-09, 03:32

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


29-06-09, 08:17
:) Bio isy , welcome, you will find lots of support here, from people that are suffering in very similar ways to yourself