View Full Version : Im so dizzy my head is spinning

28-06-09, 20:33
like a whirlpool etc etc :) no i am still very dizzy well light headed, its been about 3 weeks now ever since i had my massive MS fear. When i stand its like im slightly tipsy everything is a bit surreal, is this anxiety? it did go for a few days last week, but has come back now. Today i was out at a party and i didnt experience it once, now im back at home its back again. Is it because i am thinking and worrying about it? i think about it every second of the day. I am also extreamly tired i think this is due to not sleeping very well.


28-06-09, 21:02
Tash I'm sorry you are suffering this MS fear. Do you know what brought it on? Your symptoms tonight sound like a combination of heat and sun and possibly alcohol? Fear can bring on all these unwanted symptoms. The heat and it is very close tonight can make us feel woozy giddy light headed and not quite ourselves. If you are able to sleep tonight it would probably do you a power of good. I have been feeling out of sorts today too but for different reasons to you . I blame a lot on the weather and in my case overdoing it. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

29-06-09, 18:40
HI Elizabeth Jane, im not sure what brought on my fear of MS just started thinking how horrible it is and then all of a sudden i started noticing my twitches and dizzy ness etc, wondering if it is infact anxiety or worse. I have been put all day today and have felt fine so i am wondering if im doing it to my self :(

29-06-09, 21:30
Hey Tash, I have exactly the same worries as you right now.
I am worrying about MS. I have had numbness and sight go funny for 2 weeks just over 2 years ago. That was all put down to pinching a nerve and lazy eye.
Then a year or so ago I began getting burning cold sensations in my head and hands, that was put down to over active nerves and my anxiety mixed in.
Lately I have had a tingle in my finger and thumb since thursday and since I have been panicking and worrying alot today I have a small numb/tingly patch on my back and feel dizzy.

I have told the doctor of my fears of MS and he doesn't think it is but it doesn't stop me worrying anyway. I'm going to make myself go back this week if the tingling doesn't go.

I think you do just have anxiety, I really do. I just wish I could tell myself the same thing! x