View Full Version : Thinking about making an appointment

28-06-09, 21:27

I just need some opinions is this over reacting or is it a real concern.

This is a bit embarassing but I have a lump just outside my anus. At first I thought it was a heammaroid (dont know how to spell that) but then it formed a giant (!) head and burst leaked pus and blood everywhere.

the thing is that happened for the first time about 6 months ago, then again 3 months ago and it has happened twice in the last 6 weeks - now this evening i have felt the same lump under my skin the thing is obviously coming back AGAIN.

I have a docs appointment at the end of the week for a routine thing but it will probably be gone again by then so i wondered whether to try and get an appointment for tomorrow or if it is just a boil and leave it.

I hate going to the doctors and i feel like I am always there although it is rarely for me mostly my kids.

Also for some stupid reason recently I hae developed this stupid anxiety about anyone touching me etc "down there" and Im guessing they might want to see it. It makes sex even with my husband who i have been with for 10 years a bit scarely let alone some random doctor staring at my bottom lump!

if tihs was you what would you do ?

I made the mistake of googling this - big mistake never google anything with lump or pus in the name.


28-06-09, 22:05
I can understand your concerns about this and being examined and touched in a sensitive area. My husband had a perineal ulcer which caused him much pain and discomfort. He had successful surgery and it has not recurred. These types of problems can come back so it is important that you go to the doctors and allow him to exmaine you so that a proper diagnosis can be made. It might not be a perineal ulcer but whatever it is it is probably causing you pain and discomfort. I hope all goes well at the doctors please post again and let us know how you are getting on.

28-06-09, 22:23

I just need some opinions is this over reacting or is it a real concern.

This is a bit embarrassing but I have a lump just outside my anus. At first I thought it was a heammaroid (dont know how to spell that) but then it formed a giant (!) head and burst leaked pus and blood everywhere.

the thing is that happened for the first time about 6 months ago, then again 3 months ago and it has happened twice in the last 6 weeks - now this evening i have felt the same lump under my skin the thing is obviously coming back AGAIN.

I have a docs appointment at the end of the week for a routine thing but it will probably be gone again by then so i wondered whether to try and get an appointment for tomorrow or if it is just a boil and leave it.

I hate going to the doctors and i feel like I am always there although it is rarely for me mostly my kids.

Also for some stupid reason recently I hae developed this stupid anxiety about anyone touching me etc "down there" and Im guessing they might want to see it. It makes sex even with my husband who i have been with for 10 years a bit scarely let alone some random doctor staring at my bottom lump!

if tihs was you what would you do ?

I made the mistake of googling this - big mistake never google anything with lump or pus in the name.


When I was nursing I looked after a couple of patients with this problem ( sounds like a pilonidal sinus) and I know three other people who have/had them including my son.

You need to go to the doctors to let him see it as you may need to have it cleaned out and dressed. They can be extremely painful but please do not worry.

Let me tell you, your bottom will hold no fascination for the doctor, once you have seen one bottom you have seen them all.:D

28-06-09, 22:46
Sounds like a boil to me and I have had them in this area before as well.

A warm bath will help it and keep the area as clean as you can.