View Full Version : hi...wondering if anyone can help me....full scale panic

28-06-09, 22:45
havent been on here in a while...things have been ok until today. looking in the mirror this morning i noticed my lips were a little blue.....i am in no pain or any other difficulty other than now being in full scale omg panic.....can anyone tell me if they've had this or what could cause it....ive had it once before.


28-06-09, 22:55
Well first hun, you will be OK. Big hugs! Secondly, it could be a variety of things. I know one time I woke up and my lips were darker than usual, but I was cold. Maybe it's that. Did you eat anything weird? You say you're feeling fine except for the panic and it has happened once before and you are still here, so I know you will be OK. Just try to reassure yourself that it's nothing. Try moving your lips around a bit to increase that circulation too. :)

28-06-09, 23:04
Hello Missy - hope you're doing okay now? I agree with what SocialTool says. I have a habit of gritting my teeth or chewing my inner lip, especially when I'm concentrating and find that my lips can go a funny colour, which of course freaks me out when I look in the mirror!! Hope you have your panic under control now. Take care :hugs:

28-06-09, 23:07
im not cold or done any of that :(

i cant cope with this.....i feel like im waiting for my breathing to stop now.

28-06-09, 23:33
Hi Missy :D:hugs:

I know its hard to you hunny, but you must try and calm down, if you have had this before YOU KNOW, that it will go, it did in the past and it will do again.

My daughter when her anx goes a little high, even if she does not feel anx, her lips can go slight blue and her eyes go dark underneath. I have never really looked this up on why it does this when anxs goes a little high, but I do feel it has something to do with nerve ending and the way the blood goes around the body and the way we are breathing.

Please Missy, your worry alone will send your anxietys levels higher. Distract yourself, listen to some relaxation music, ANYTHING, to take your mind off how you are feeling. Use your breathing tec, slow your breathing down, try and relax, ohh I know its hard hunny, but it will help sooo much.



29-06-09, 07:49
Mine are ALWAYS tinged blue...

29-06-09, 15:34
Hi there

Just to say that this is something that i noticed that i have too so for ages ....sad i know...i have been looking at peoples lips to see and loads of people have it. I think its related to hormones and monthly cycles and changes to where the blood is flowing. Seems to by mostly girls i have noticed it on. Its fine dont worry.


29-06-09, 16:59
I have seen bluish lips on perfectly healthy people many, many times and if you are all tensed up it doesn't help. Really you will be fine, in itself it means very little. Please try to stop worrying so much...difficult I know, even when you tell yourself it is nothing to worry about. XXX

29-06-09, 17:42
How are you feeling today Missy?

29-06-09, 18:31
im ok today.....thank you to everyone for replying.

hope you are all well too