View Full Version : anxiety, stress can it cos death

29-06-09, 02:46
i read news abt Michael Jackson dealth could be link to anxiety and stress leading to his cardiac arrest, it is so so pity, i am so sad, i guess the world cosing all this anxiety and stress.

oh gosh i have been in alot lots of stress, panic attack and anxiety could all of these hve bad impact on ppl of me.

29-06-09, 11:34
Stress alone cannot cause a heart attack.

29-06-09, 14:28
You also have to remember, he wasn't the most healthy individual there is, add that to taking meds. Reports state that the doctor giving him CPR had to put his hand/arm under MJ because he was too frail. Anxiety and stress alone did not kill MJ. There are many more areas of gray that will come to light in the next few weeks. You'll see. Hugs, Wiskers ~

30-06-09, 00:49
Yeah He Is Thin, And No Fat In His Body, I Am Wandering How Can He Got Heart Attack, He Do Alot Of Dancing And Is Fit. And The Doctors Say They Did Test On Him And Result Flying Colors.

19-07-09, 17:02
I thought, too, he would be in great shape with all his dancing and stuff, but I am thinking medication did him in -- mixed with a possible illness that we don't know yet. And, technically, docs aren't supposed to let anyone know about someone's health due to confidentiality, so I don't know what to believe as far as that is concerned. There are so many things that could have gone wrong -- I don't think it was a single issue. Won't be long now before we find out.

Diane O'Brien
19-07-09, 20:16
I was dreadfully upset to hear about his death. I have been a big fan since I was 13. I know his death has affected me. Its not something u like talkin about though cause a lot of people think your being silly, cause I didn't know him personally, but it did knock me. :weep:

20-07-09, 12:30
yeah i am so affected by his death too i got myself alot of his dvd, regret why is it when he's alive, no one bothers, now he's dead then everybody start to think of him, but watching his DVD is so so super entertaining, i love to watch the way he dances, and i love to look at his innocent face, his face never shows anger he is so cool, wish i can be like him, eventhough the world of alot of people hurt him,e and wrong doing to him, accuse him (which i never ever believe) and yet he still love the world, i learn from it, sometimes i become depressed when everybody i know keep on hurting, treating me so bad, wrongly accusing me and keep on hurting me just becos i never fight back, they always thought i am stupid and everybody thought i am useless, so i started to hate everything, everybody, and become so depressed and i got depression a long time, but when i look at MJ, he is so nice, no matter how ppl treated him, he still love the kids and the world, it just make me think it wonderful beautiful to be like him, and the way he sees the world, i keep on watchng his dvd and see how wonderful kind, loving natural person he is, he is not boastful or bad, like all the bullies that hurt me, they are just nothing, but they act as though they are so high up and look me so small like an ant and it just make me think, now i think they are just like an animal with no heart, I find MJ is a very feeling emotional person. before i am so sad, but now i keep thinking he left but bring a big impact on all of us. how wish i can be like him, so good hearted, i keep alot grudges and pain in me and i see the world as torturing place, with bad ppl all over me. and yes i always get bullied, and cheated.

Thunderbird 4
20-07-09, 14:06
Stress and Anxiety will not cause a heart attack.

When people claim that 'Stress Killed' someone, its more likely the poor lifestyle, heavy drinking, poor diet etc to overcome the stress that contributes to someones death. Not the stress itself.

You must remember MJ had an arrrest, which at this point is being attributed to the tons of medication he was taking. So many chemicals in ones body will have an adverse effect on even a health person, and arrest of his ticker, could have been down to a multitude of reasons, so don;t think that this will happen to you.

I suppose he was in the trap of so many medications to beat the side effects of each other, before he knew it he couldn't control the volumes he was being given.

Such a sad and sorry case of someone who wanted to lead a normal life, but interventions of others sadly may have lead to his demise.

20-07-09, 15:30
Diane -- please don't apologize for your grief over MJ. I, too, was quite affected as well. We didn't know him personally but he was a large figure in our lives, and growing up. It's like an end of an era. If you need to talk, please know I am here. Grief is such a difficult thing and it is best to have support and someone to talk to. I think what got me is I was sad about Farrah dying -- although it was immenent -- and I was dealing with that when I heard about MJ. It was like a double whammy, especially with the shock of MJ, and I still tear up just thinking about it. Grief is a process to work through. It can take so much time -- even when it comes to those we didn't know but touched our hearts in some way. PM me anytime, ok? Hugs, Wiskers~

20-07-09, 15:58
I feel the very pain too, here everybody is watching his show, dvd, music, now everybody knows how great wonderful person he is, at least he died as someone that ppl remmeber the best. i like him so muck, i wish he's still alive and know everybody loves him, all his songs,afffected us, esp when he sings it with so emotion and he 's good. i love the song, you are not alone, it sad. wish he's still alive. he such a great wonderful person and such a gentleman , i don't understand why during his life, so many problems he got to face, the worst he is accuse of something that hurts him badly, which i 400% believe he is innocent but it is making him sad, stress, so sad, from someone that gives us loves, music, entertainment but he in turn get all the torture, punishment of this worldy things. so pity. can see he is such as lovely, soft spoken person. i think it is true, stress can kill, with not taking care of oneself, i feel i am in alot of stress now\, lately, until u know what i eat so so much, i can eat 3 plates of rice, eat chips, crackers , donuts, i guess i can't control myself, i feel out of control becos i am so stress, why have not recover from this giddniness thing, i hate this dizzy felng so it is stressing me, i am scared if i wake up in the morning with dizzy, so i am torturin gmyself, every day i eat so so much, believe me, i ate the whole day, to keep my mind from dizziness, and yet i am still in the torture of feeling dizzy the hwole dya, i feel so so out of balance, when i am ironing my child cloths, i feel out of balance, like i cannot stand still, why? is it also cos by anixety, panic or what? yeah, sometimes i feel my ear block, eyes blur, eyes dry., i hate it.