View Full Version : Does Your Anxiety Change Over Time?

Deepest Blue
29-06-09, 04:24
Do you find that over time you go through different kinds of Anxiety? After thinking about and analysing how I was feeling in the past, I know it has with me, I know I feel anxious about things that I wasn't anxious about say 10 years ago, totally different concerns now, I don't know if it's worse or not because I still "feel" the same although the issues have changed. So my question is at what point did I stop feeling anxious about those issues of the past and then feeling anxious about other things? I mean did I kinda learn to accept those past issues which is why I don't worry about them anymore or is it simply because the current anxieties are far stronger than those of the past? Or maybe I came to an understanding of those past issues to the point where I don't need to feel anxious about them any longer, so for example I've exhausted every route worry about those issues that it's reached a limit where I can't worry about them anymore.

I hope I am making sense, I think I am, I just really don't understand how I can't be worrying about issues of the past that felt real and strong to me and yet at some point were substituted with something else, the cycle continues and I can't seem to break it :(

Thanks for reading.
Take Care

29-06-09, 19:00
Hi Deepest Blue,

I really understand what you mean by anxiety changing over time. Last year I obsessed about the physical symptoms of panic attacks which caused me to think I might die, have a heart attack etc. I went to see a therapist and he helped me overcome this. In the last few months however I've suffered more from Generalised Anxiety Disorder and although I know that the physical symptoms won't kill me Im very scared of the way my mind is working. Sometimes I feel I can't cope, other times I just feel disassociated with the world and nothing makes sense. Sometimes when I accept one thing, another thing crops up I think this is the natural route of anxiety but I've been told by many that with support and therapy you will eventually find peace with yourself. Im in the midst of it right now but I want to go on and beat this, everything happens for a reason and I know this will make both you and I stronger people in the long run.

Hope this helps


30-06-09, 10:02
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have had generalised anxiety disorder for over 8 years now and some periods have been worse than others. I always remember the times when I have been really bad, which sometimes made me feel suicidal, and I live in fear of experiencing one of these bad phases again. Other times when I have really good anxiety free periods I can almost forget about it and get on with my life. Those periods are bliss, but they don't last long. It is constantly up and down, but I think acceptance is part of the cure.

30-06-09, 13:58
Does not really make sense but i think that when you have exhausted a "worry" your brain cannot rest (it does not know how to:blush: )) so it finds some other problem to occupy that space. that is the nature of anxiety.
A panic attack is a panic attack.
Every one feels worse than the last - it does not matter what you are thinking about they just happen:weep:

30-06-09, 15:02
Rachel are you seeking therapy or taking any mediction? 8 years is a long time - what do you find gets you into those moments of bliss?
