View Full Version : hello

29-06-09, 09:30
Hiya all,

My name is Khistie, i am 38, i have 2 children and live in Gloucester, i work as a health care assistant at the local hospital, i love my job and i am starting univeristy in September 2009 to do my nurse training, although at the moment am having serious doubts!, i had my first panic attack at work a few weeks ago, it came on very suddenly, and really scared me, nurses on the ward took my blood pressure which was high and i had a pulse rate of 152! i was so scared, A & E did an ECG and scared me even more as they thought i had a pulmonary embolism! i thought i was going to die, luckily about 3 hours later after various tests they diagnosed me as having a panic attack, to be honest i felt a bit of a fake! not that i wanted it to be more serious!! anyway after that i found i was having panic attacks everytime i went to work and got sent home on a few occaions,i was also having them in the car, i have now been signed of work by the doctor for 2 weeks and have been put on propranolol, which is helping slightly, i can see how easy it could be to turn agrophobic, and am sodesperate for that not to happen, as i do love m job, since these attacks have started i have been absolutley scared stiff of dying, it keeps me awake at night, and im scared to go to sleep in case i dont wake up, every little ache or pain i have i think this is it, i know its irrational thinking, but cant seem to control my thoughts, i think my problem with death has been there for quite a while as 7 yrs ago my partner, died very suddenly of cardiomyothopy he was 28 and i was 16 week pregnant at the time, and also last yr my best friend committed suicide, i did have councelling for a while which helped and now im not sure whether i need it again, im usually quite a strong person but to be honest am struggling at the moment, would love to speak to people who experience these attacks, and who can help me try o get all my irrational thoughts into perspective cos i feel like im going mad!!
anyway rambled on for long enough! speak soon xx

29-06-09, 10:22
Hello & :welcome:

I'm sure you will find a lot of support on here as I have done.

Sorry I can't be more helpful at the moment but am suffering terrible anxiety today!

02-07-09, 07:47
Hi Khistie,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,
