View Full Version : Acid reflux symtoms? Help please

29-06-09, 10:31
Hello, can anyone help with the symptoms I am having at th moment. It started with nausea and feeling as if I may suddenly gag. I didn't, also sometimes getting a watery mouth for no reason. Initially I had these symptoms but no acid symptoms. I have suffered with gerd before, but I didn't have it until a couple of weeks ago. I was so worried about the nausea, could this have caused th gerd or acid reflux to play up?? I am now really worried about acid and a burning stinging sensation in my sternum and through to my back. Rennies or zantac hlp, but it comes back again. Sometimes food seems to "sit" for a while as if its not gone down properly and I get a sour taste in my mouth which makes me feel sick.

Anyone have any advice, I am now terrified I have stomach cancer or even an ulcer. Will I have to have an endoscopy? This terrifies me beyond belief. Please help, I am trying so hard not to panic and have had so much anxiety lately. Thanks guys.