View Full Version : Hello...

29-06-09, 11:42
Hi there, I've only just managed to admit to myself that I have a problem so this is a bit difficult for me... For just over a year now, pretty much constantly, I've been convinced that I'm dying of one thing or another... Firstly sinus problems that I thought was a brain tumour, 'bone cancer' that turned out to be a nasty bruise, inflamed rib cartilage that I though was my lungs collapsing... you get the picture. I have panic attacks a couple of times a week with kind of constant background anxiety to go with it...
It's come to a head recently as it's really starting to wreck my life... I have very nearly just failed the first year of my degree because I spent the whole year worrying instead of working, I scraped a pass but I don't know if I'll even be able to face going back, and I don't want to throw everything away!

About a year ago I was prescribed beta blockers to control the symptoms of the panic attacks, but they gave me horrible side effects...

Sorry for rambling on... :) and hello
I haven't been to my doctor for a couple of months, despite really wanting to, for fear of looking crazy... I'm going tomorrow because I can't go on like this anymore...

29-06-09, 12:19
Hi PD and:welcome: T o NMP .You will get lots of help and support here .Im sureyour Dr will be able to help.Take care Sue x

Veronica H
29-06-09, 15:12
:welcome: Pd. Many here can identify with you and the good news is this can and will get better.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover.
As your nerves are sensitised then thoughts become feelings instantly. You are reacting to all of your negative thoughts and feeling hopeless, which keeps the cycle going. Claire Weekes will bring you instant comfort as she really understood this illness, so force yourself to listen if you have to, as I know how hard it is to concentrate in the midst of panic.

:bighug1: Veronica

29-06-09, 15:27
:welcome: Hello Pd welcome to NMP. There are many of us who share the difficulties you describe. You will be assured of a warm welcome here.

02-07-09, 07:48
Hi PD,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,
