View Full Version : New member...Tension Headache or Tumour

29-06-09, 12:59
I am new to this site and have been diagnosed with anxiety but are unable to convince myself that that is what it is....I live in constant fear that I have a Brain Tumour and cannot get the thought out of my head.

Although I am a worryer, it has never affected my health before. However this changed when I started to get Dizzy Spells. Rather than going to the doctor I spent lots of time on google and the Brain Tumour thought was implanted in my head. This then made me get loads of other strange symptoms including Chest Pains, aching joints, trembling(inside), shaking, Pains shooting up my arms, feeling that I am not in the same time as things going on around me etc. These symptoms come and go, however the one constant is the headache.

The headache has been pretty constant for the past 4 weeks or so but does go off a bit occasionally, however it is always there. The scary thing is that it seems worse when I lie in bed. It does not respond to tablets. I feel that if the headache would go then I could start fighting...but it wont go away. Although occasionally I decide it must be anxiety and are going to fight this, the slight possibility that it may be a Tumour wont go away. I cry a lot because I fear dying from the Tumour.

The doctors have prescribed Citalopram Tablets, however are reluctant tro start them, how can they surpress the Brain Tumour thought..

Sorry it is a bit long winded, but can anyone else here relate to this???

Please help

29-06-09, 13:19
I am new to this site and have been diagnosed with anxiety but are unable to convince myself that that is what it is....I live in constant fear that I have a Brain Tumour and cannot get the thought out of my head.

Although I am a worryer, it has never affected my health before. However this changed when I started to get Dizzy Spells. Rather than going to the doctor I spent lots of time on google and the Brain Tumour thought was implanted in my head. This then made me get loads of other strange symptoms including Chest Pains, aching joints, trembling(inside), shaking, Pains shooting up my arms, feeling that I am not in the same time as things going on around me etc. These symptoms come and go, however the one constant is the headache.

The headache has been pretty constant for the past 4 weeks or so but does go off a bit occasionally, however it is always there. The scary thing is that it seems worse when I lie in bed. It does not respond to tablets. I feel that if the headache would go then I could start fighting...but it wont go away. Although occasionally I decide it must be anxiety and are going to fight this, the slight possibility that it may be a Tumour wont go away. I cry a lot because I fear dying from the Tumour.

The doctors have prescribed Citalopram Tablets, however are reluctant tro start them, how can they surpress the Brain Tumour thought..

Sorry it is a bit long winded, but can anyone else here relate to this???

Please help

Why do you think a brain tumour is always terminal?

29-06-09, 13:27
I do not assume that a tumour is terminal but mearly said that I fear dying from one.

Got anything positive to share with me:weep:

29-06-09, 13:30
Are you sure you are not dehyrdated as this will cause headaches?

29-06-09, 13:34
I do not assume that a tumour is terminal but mearly said that I fear dying from one.

Got anything positive to share with me:weep:

I have a brain tumour.:)

29-06-09, 13:40
Hi Nicola

I am drinking loads of water which I have been advised to do


29-06-09, 13:44
I have a brain tumour.:)

Hi Trixie

ok then, thankyou for sharing that and I am very sorry to assume....

So I suppose the obvious question is...are my headache symtoms simular??


29-06-09, 13:46
Hi Trixie

ok then, thankyou for sharing that and I am very sorry to assume....

So I suppose the obvious question is...are my headache symtoms simular??


I don't have headaches but I know someone who did and their headaches were so bad they caused them to vomit.

29-06-09, 13:50
I don't have headaches but I know someone who did and their headaches were so bad they caused them to vomit.

I deduce from your comments that you think I am being stupid and should accept it is anxiety:)


29-06-09, 13:56
I deduce from your comments that you think I am being stupid and should accept it is anxiety:)


No I do not think you are stupid and others can tell you more about HA (I suffer from anxiety centred on my cat).

It may be as others have said the hot weather. As the body is made up of so much liquid dehydration can cause headaches http://www.buzzle.com/articles/headaches-dehydration.html

29-06-09, 14:09
No I do not think you are stupid and others can tell you more about HA (I suffer from anxiety centred on my cat).

It may be as others have said the hot weather. As the body is made up of so much liquid dehydration can cause headaches http://www.buzzle.com/articles/headaches-dehydration.html

Like I originally said, the headache has been pretty constant for the last four weeks, through all weather conditions. I am drinking loads of water, as I have been advised to do, so do not think dehydration is the culprit...


29-06-09, 14:52
Hi Brian

I have had this very same fear and there are lots of threads on here from others who have too. My problem is around facial pain and headache centred in the front of my head. I had to have a MRI in the end to end my worry about it, but I still have the pain and am beginning to think I should have another MRI to confirm the first one(!) Vicious circle. Have you had an eye test as it could be something to do with them?? Have you tried keeping a diary to see whether there are any triggers?

29-06-09, 14:59
Hi Blightfoot66..

You dont have a brain tumour. this is one of the most common fears in people who suffer with anxiety...last year i started to have terrible dizzy spells could hardly walk and before this happened was getting awful headaches to cut a long story short i had vertigo..after a month or so on tabs the dizzyness went...when you have severe anxiety you get terrible tension headaches, please try to do some relaxing exercises and put this thought from your head. try to think about other things and dont dwell on this head thing it will only make matters worse believe me I was the same as you and still get dizziness from time to time take care and dont worry.xx

29-06-09, 15:00
Hi Brian

I have had this very same fear and there are lots of threads on here from others who have too. My problem is around facial pain and headache centred in the front of my head. I had to have a MRI in the end to end my worry about it, but I still have the pain and am beginning to think I should have another MRI to confirm the first one(!) Vicious circle. Have you had an eye test as it could be something to do with them?? Have you tried keeping a diary to see whether there are any triggers?

Thank you for your reply, Like you I am convinced that the only way to stop this is to have an MRI done. But they wont do one, because they have decided it is anxiety and given me the pills. I now feel stuck because if I go back to the docs he will just say why havent you started the medication. I am considering the medication but do not really want to as I have been told that they affect your personality.

With regards to eyesight, it is fine. I have regular eyetests and wear glasses for close work.

The trigger appears to be the initial dizzy spells as mentioned in my original post and now its the constant headache

29-06-09, 15:14
Hi Blightfoot66..

You dont have a brain tumour. this is one of the most common fears in people who suffer with anxiety...last year i started to have terrible dizzy spells could hardly walk and before this happened was getting awful headaches to cut a long story short i had vertigo..after a month or so on tabs the dizzyness went...when you have severe anxiety you get terrible tension headaches, please try to do some relaxing exercises and put this thought from your head. try to think about other things and dont dwell on this head thing it will only make matters worse believe me I was the same as you and still get dizziness from time to time take care and dont worry.xx

Hi Tasia
I understand what you are saying but the vicious circle is hard to break. What really freaks me out, is the fact that my headache is worse when I lie down in bed. I thought tension headaches shouldnt do that...


29-06-09, 15:22
If you focus on anything enough, it gets worse. I notice at times when I am my most anxious about as I see it my undiagnosed life threatening problem, then all other extra symptoms creep in, like water trickling feeling in my head, dizziness etc. It is often worse when we go to bed as that is the time when you are alone with your thoughts - and now you have the thought it gets worse when you lie down, evey time you lie down you will be thinking subconciously it is getting worse now, even when it might not be?! I had to pay for my MRI but I wouldn't go down that route unless it is a last resort.
Docs can do some tests at the GPS that test neurological reflexes - and a lot of BTs can be seen with eye tests, in particular ones that would then cause a headache as the headache is normally from increased intercranial pressure which is in most cases viewable by an eye test.
Have you tried Syndol for tension headaches, they work for me when I have a tight band type headache and my head feels like it might explode.
All you can do is go back to the GP and say that you want them to look into your headache further as it is worrying you and you don't think taking the anti anxiety pills will help when you are not anxious about other things. I have resisted anxiery pills, despite being told the pain is in my head (which I know it is not!)

29-06-09, 15:39
I had a really similar worry last year, after suffering headaches, googling 'brain tumour', and all of a sudden it seemed I had lots of the symptoms... numbness in the face, blurry vision etc. Turned out I have sinus problems and needed to wear glasses... Best thing is always to see the doctor, to put your mind at rest, although I'm not sure my doctor takes anything I say seriously anymore, even though I haven't been for months!

29-06-09, 15:43

Your 'strange symptoms' are classic signs of anxiety, so it looks like your doctor was right.

Lots of things can cause headaches -- a few years ago I had a very worrying headache for a couple of months - turned out I needed new glasses.

So, make sure you're drinking plenty of water (especially in this heat), give up caffeine and alcohol, get your eyes tested, follow your doctor's recommendations, then see how your head feels.

Best wishes

29-06-09, 15:53
If you focus on anything enough, it gets worse. I notice at times when I am my most anxious about as I see it my undiagnosed life threatening problem, then all other extra symptoms creep in, like water trickling feeling in my head, dizziness etc. It is often worse when we go to bed as that is the time when you are alone with your thoughts - and now you have the thought it gets worse when you lie down, evey time you lie down you will be thinking subconciously it is getting worse now, even when it might not be?! I had to pay for my MRI but I wouldn't go down that route unless it is a last resort.
Docs can do some tests at the GPS that test neurological reflexes - and a lot of BTs can be seen with eye tests, in particular ones that would then cause a headache as the headache is normally from increased intercranial pressure which is in most cases viewable by an eye test.
Have you tried Syndol for tension headaches, they work for me when I have a tight band type headache and my head feels like it might explode.
All you can do is go back to the GP and say that you want them to look into your headache further as it is worrying you and you don't think taking the anti anxiety pills will help when you are not anxious about other things. I have resisted anxiery pills, despite being told the pain is in my head (which I know it is not!)

I had an eye test recently and nothing showed up so I should start feeling more positive...

Will look into the Syndol and give them a try

Thank you for your encouraging input...


29-06-09, 15:55
I had a really similar worry last year, after suffering headaches, googling 'brain tumour', and all of a sudden it seemed I had lots of the symptoms... numbness in the face, blurry vision etc. Turned out I have sinus problems and needed to wear glasses... Best thing is always to see the doctor, to put your mind at rest, although I'm not sure my doctor takes anything I say seriously anymore, even though I haven't been for months!


thank you for that, like you i dont like to keep pestering him

29-06-09, 16:00

Your 'strange symptoms' are classic signs of anxiety, so it looks like your doctor was right.

Lots of things can cause headaches -- a few years ago I had a very worrying headache for a couple of months - turned out I needed new glasses.

So, make sure you're drinking plenty of water (especially in this heat), give up caffeine and alcohol, get your eyes tested, follow your doctor's recommendations, then see how your head feels.

Best wishes


I am drinking plenty of water, have given up caffine and alcohol and recently had eyes tested so are well on the way to following your instructions.

Have not started taking the Citalopram tablets though, still trying to resist that:)


29-06-09, 18:46
Brian, I can relate. In May I started having dizzy spells when I would stand up fast, so I checked my BP and it was a little high: 130/87. For me that was high, so I started to panic. Went to drs. and they checked it and it was normal, actually kinda low. So then I started to think its too low and then the headaches started. And then I started to see increased floaters in my right eye. And then the right side of my neck and right ear started to have discomfort. After blood test, xrays and an MRI they havent found anything, but now almost 2 months later I am having back, hip, leg and foot pain. I feel like Im falling apart at 27 yrs. old. Im constantly worrying that theres something wrong, but so far nothing has been found. Actually they found a sinus infection from my MRI. So basically what Im trying to say is I am starting to think that all of my symptoms were brought on from the panic and anxiety. For me its almost constant worry.
If we can just turn the anxiety off, we would probably start to recover..
You will get through this..Sometimes it can take awhile..
Good luck

30-06-09, 07:28
Brian, I can relate. In May I started having dizzy spells when I would stand up fast, so I checked my BP and it was a little high: 130/87. For me that was high, so I started to panic. Went to drs. and they checked it and it was normal, actually kinda low. So then I started to think its too low and then the headaches started. And then I started to see increased floaters in my right eye. And then the right side of my neck and right ear started to have discomfort. After blood test, xrays and an MRI they havent found anything, but now almost 2 months later I am having back, hip, leg and foot pain. I feel like Im falling apart at 27 yrs. old. Im constantly worrying that theres something wrong, but so far nothing has been found. Actually they found a sinus infection from my MRI. So basically what Im trying to say is I am starting to think that all of my symptoms were brought on from the panic and anxiety. For me its almost constant worry.
If we can just turn the anxiety off, we would probably start to recover..
You will get through this..Sometimes it can take awhile..
Good luck

Hello Alacia

Your story is just like mine...The mind is a powerful thing and once it starts to think all these negative thoughts it seems quite easy to spiral out of control.

This is a fantastic site and I am so glad I found it, as just by talking to wonderful people, I start to feel a little more posotive. I realise it may be a long road but I am determined to get there...

We need to remember that the mind controls everything the body does so when the mind is not working correctly then how can we expect our bodies to work!!!:)


30-06-09, 09:29
Hi there, I was diasgnosed with GAD 2 years ago and have now developed HA. For the past 5 weeks I have had a headache, this is a new sympton in my list of aches, pain, palpitations, numbness in the face etc so I was scared at first. My headaches are liked a vice being pressed on my skull and do not respond to pain killers, I have been on this site and read a lot of the members similar experiences and just knowing that there are lots of people out there that all felt the same as me has released the tension and anxiety and the headaches are now less frequent. But I do know exactly how you feel, the hardest part to accept is that it is anxiety, once we can do that we can beat it.

30-06-09, 10:05
Blighfoot and Jaymoore,

You guys sound exactly like me!

Same symptoms and head spiralling out of control all the time. I can probably put it down to stress and I know this but it still doesn’t help me relax anymore. Got a CT scan done 2 years ago and slowly after feeling ‘fully covered’ the anxiety has crept back in to my life.

30-06-09, 10:12
Hello Blightfoot66

My psychologist always says go for the simplest explanation. From what you are saying you have been chronicaly anxious the whole time your headache has been there. Do you think that is just a coincidence ? Its feels like the chicken and the egg question doesnt it, what came first the headache or the anxiety?

I think you might find the anxiety and tension is causing the headahces 100% and if you break the cycle it will start to lessen then go. You know when you are that anxious they are lots of changes take place in your body in your muscles and your salt balance and all those things cause blood vessils to constrict causing headaches. Hvaing low blood sugar will also make this worse, are you skipping meals becuase your so worried?

Im thinking that makes much more sense to be honest


30-06-09, 16:31
Hello Blightfoot66

My psychologist always says go for the simplest explanation. From what you are saying you have been chronicaly anxious the whole time your headache has been there. Do you think that is just a coincidence ? Its feels like the chicken and the egg question doesnt it, what came first the headache or the anxiety?

I think you might find the anxiety and tension is causing the headahces 100% and if you break the cycle it will start to lessen then go. You know when you are that anxious they are lots of changes take place in your body in your muscles and your salt balance and all those things cause blood vessils to constrict causing headaches. Hvaing low blood sugar will also make this worse, are you skipping meals becuase your so worried?

Im thinking that makes much more sense to be honest


Hi Lisa

Thanks for your encouragement, just talking to many people on this site has made my headache ease a little and I am trying to be more posotive..

Although the headache has diminished a bit, my head feels like its blocked and heavy...not sure if this is what they call brain fog or no??. Also I keep getting the grazy zaps of pain going across my head or up my temples. Suppose this happens to keep reminding me about my problems. I try to ignore them but it is difficult.

I have been eating ok


09-08-09, 09:45
hello.. I just wanted to tell you about my experience with headaches. I had a headache almost everyday since my daughter was born.. she is four. I was taking pills and it just wasnt taking the pain away anymore. I was convinced there was something wrong. I talked in depth to my doctor and he said I had no other obvious symptoms and said he thought it was the pills i was taking. He asked me to stop taking the pills for a week but warned me I would have chronic headaches for a couple of weeks. Well.. I stopped taking the pills.. had a bad headache the first day.. the rest of the week was mild.. week after I was waking up with no headache. I could not belive it. I was headache free. If I do get a headache now.. which is no where as near as often as before.. I scale it from one to ten. Can I cope without pills or not? Its usually a bad headache if I am stressed about something. I think it was the defo the pills with me. I dont think there is anything wrong hun.. I think you would have many more symptoms than a chronic headache and dizzyiness... belive me... after what I was told you would be banging your head against a wall.

09-08-09, 17:39
Hi Brian. If you have been stressing a lot about your headaches, it could be the stress causing the headaches. I have HA and I've been through the brain tumor thing many of times. The best thing to do, is try to relax. Try not to think about it. I know easier said than done, but occupy your mind by doing something. Just don't google anymore. Google will have you coming up with many scary symptoms. I hope I didn't repeat anyone being I didn't read all the replies.