View Full Version : So angry Today

29-06-09, 14:00
So my job centre put me on a 'new deal' course where for the next 2 weeks I am supposed to go to this training building where and sit in a large group where I am helped to find a job blah blah.

1. I suffer panic attacks and great deals of anxiety
2. It is unbelievably hot in there

I came home today after my first day, Well not even a full day lol. Now I know job center will want to stop my money so I am worrying over that. I haven't told them about my condition as I do not want to go on the sick benefits.

Im panicking now waiting for a phone call as I just rang them now to discuss me leaving today and not going turning up to the following day this and next week.

PLus I had to spend over £10 today on food and parking, Not to mention petrol although they said they pay back 25pence per mile. But still I cannto afford to go on this course for £10 a day thats £50 a week. Its just not practicle. Fffs :mad::mad:

29-06-09, 14:06
I do understand all that you say - BUT if they do not know about your panic etc they cannot help you :blush:
My brother was put on a training course To learn about computors - His previous job??? teacher in computing!!!!!!
He still had to complete the course or loose his dole.
Hard facts.

29-06-09, 14:15
Ah I know exactly. This was the 2 week course, if I didnt find a job in the 2 weeks I go on a 13 week course so I was going to come off the dole then anyway becuase there is no way I could handle that.

What angers me is people who are abusive or disruptive dont have to go on this course. Always the naughty people getting off with everything. Was the same at school. All the bad behaved kids would get to go on day trips and everything :(