View Full Version : Fibromyalgia or something worse?

29-06-09, 15:29
I am long time sufferer of HA and I am getting very worried. For the last 6 months I have been having increasingly worse and widespread pain. It is in my toes, fingers, knees, elbows and tailbone. The pain is sometimes in the joints but often not, more like at the tip of my fingers or tailbone. The pain isn't constant and seems to be worse in the morning. I have been getting cramps in my calves and the bottoms of my feet have had periods of burning too. I have posted these symptoms a few different times on this site and not really had any responses saying that others have this too. I am very very concerned about this thinking it must be MS or ALS or a tumor somewhere. Could this be fibromyalgia or gout or something that isn't going to kill me prematurely and painfully? I just need someone to talk to.

29-06-09, 17:08
I have fibromyalgia and pretty much hurt everywhere when it is in a flare up mode! The pain and symptoms vary from person to person but certainly sounds as if your pains are muscle/joint related and although no one but professionals can diagnose, it is much less likely to be anything life threatening.....pain like that does drag you down and can be depressive in itself. Why don't you see a Doctor who may refer you to a rheumatologist who can better diagnose. XX

29-06-09, 17:26
I have been wrestling with going to the doctor for a while now. I just feel like nobody takes me seriously anymore. My wife dismisses me about my health and my doctor just wants to medicate me. Thanks for the info. Anyone else got any input?

30-06-09, 10:18
I have been wrestling with going to the doctor for a while now. I just feel like nobody takes me seriously anymore. My wife dismisses me about my health and my doctor just wants to medicate me. Thanks for the info. Anyone else got any input?

Was just thinking that chronic musle tension and stress causes by high anxiety can cause that kind of pain, espescally when the worry becomes 'the norm'. It like your body never goes back down to its base level of 'arousal' and you are continuously 'on edge' so that your body gets sore. Do you find you dont sleep well either? Might be another sign that you are always on 'go' mode.


30-06-09, 16:10
I go through stretches where I don't sleep well. I have been trying to draw a correlation between my pain and my sleep but it doesn't always seem to be related. It also seems as the though pains are worse in the morning and decrease but don't go away as the day goes on. I have been freaking out lately that this might be heart disease or one of many nuero problems, not to mention tumors. This all just seems so different than my other anxiety symptoms that I can't stop worrying and I work myself into a panic an then things go down hill from there. The pains are spreading I am so afraid.

30-06-09, 18:06
I believe that sleeping problems are also a symptom of fibro....I have a great deal of trouble sleeping. Also my pain is generally worse in the morning , sometimes I have to literally crawl out of bed before getting to my feet! What a sight!! Anyway, still sounds like joint/muscle related.

30-06-09, 20:35
Does anyone get pains that are in the tips of their fingers and toes? I also get pain in my tailbone.

01-07-09, 11:33
hi i get lots of pain in upper back shoulders fingers toes arms most of my joints or always painful worse when its cold but sometimes if its to hot that can also make me feel worse

01-07-09, 15:15
Does anyone get pains that are in the tips of their fingers and toes? I also get pain in my tailbone.
Yes i get pains there too on and off but what i notice most about these pains is that i am always very worried about them when they occur and when they arent there i forget that i ever had them. I take from this that they come with anxiety, therefore its adrenaline causing them im sure. I dont ever have them when im really calm and really happpy. strange.


01-07-09, 16:12
You guys are all great for helping me out. If I may indulge myself again with your expereinces, are any of you on meds and if so, have they helped the pain? I am not on meds and I am really not wanting to be but these pains are so much to deal with that I may relent and go see a dr.

05-07-09, 14:28

Me again :D replyin to the fibro threads...

See here...


Its the fibromyalgia assosiation UK that i belong & work for.

I have FM & Anxiety

FM is not a joint problem although if the muscles stiffen to bad it can restrict joint movements.

The problem we come across having anxiety is that most FM symptoms mimick those of anxiety...this is why we have to fight to be heard

I suggest seeing a physiotherapist/chiropractor to see there views if your GP is reluctant to help or if you can see a rhuemi privatly.

Sleep is a main big factor with us. We never go into a *deep* sleep meaning the body doesnt restore itself and we get very fatigued.

Night times are awful, fidget with pain then i wake up 20times a night

FM is constant 24/7 stiffness & widespread pain. Never relieved by medications they only take the edge off

Therapies help just as good but u need it regular to benefit
