View Full Version : Increased dose from 30 to 40mg!!!

Lion King
29-06-09, 20:02
Hi all,

I have just been away on holiday in the sunshine, but during the last couple of weeks the anxiety has been present and at times a bit difficult to deal with. I found that if I went to talk to people I didn't know I found myself quite confident, because I was in control of the conversation. But I found that if I spoke to them a second time I would struggle for something to say and become anxious. I managed to control myself by breathing from the diaprahm and relaxing my shoulders and I could continue talking but felt a bit edgy as I had experienced another episode of anxiety, especially when I felt I was getting better.

My anxiety seems to increase when there are awkward silences or I have to sit and listen, I become self conscious and get anxious thoughts in my head and the symptoms begin and I can't concentrate on what people are saying, which can be a problem. I know this is a set back, but I guess the more exposure and practice dealing with people in conversations the more relaxed I will become.

I decided to increase my dose to see if there is any effect as I think I still need frther relief from the anxiety as I feel I have come to a bit of a standstill with my recovery. I am 15 weeks in with citalopram and I feel I have improved significantly, I would say 50 - 60% better but just to have that little rest from anxiety would be a godsend.

I have CBT tomo, so I will discuss this with the therapist, hopefully I can make some sense to the negative thoughts that are still hanging around.

Has anyone else had similar experience at this stage of the meds/recovery?

Lion King

29-06-09, 22:09
Glad you had a good holiday Lion King.But am sorry you are feeling anxious. I went back a step when I was on 30mg so you are not alone.I had times when I felt really nervy and on edge.I also had periods of waking up with anxious dreams.I increased to 40mg ,but felt absolutely shattered on it ,so went down to 35mg.I have been fine ,on this ,but have the odd day when Ive had a lot to do ,or got a bit stressed ,that I dont feel so good .The morning anxiety was less on 40mg than now ,but I keep it under control .Your CBT therapist will be able to help you with your problem, more so than the drug.Take care Sue x

Lion King
29-06-09, 23:27
Thanks Sue,

The holiday was great despite the anx, had a great time with my family so that was the main thing!

I never wanted to depend on meds to recover from anxiety, I think the length of time of suffering has a profound effect on the length of time for recovery. My job can be stressful at times, so the increase is just to take the edge off so I can perform that bit better and allow myself to concentrate. I think I need a good sustained period of getting on top of the anxiety and allow myself to enjoy what I am doing!

Take care Sue