View Full Version : odd thoughts...

08-09-05, 20:38
Hi all

I keep having very random out of the blue thoughts...ones that seem to scare me?.

For example whilst on holiday last week whilst totally chilling out on a lilo in the pool I was looking at the sun and suddenly thought god the sun is so far away from earth, and the solar system is huge and were the only ones (supposedly) in the solar system and it freaked me out!!. I then thought god our life is all routine and I just got scared what do you think this is?, am i ready for a straight jacket?. I keep worrying about the future constantly and that scares me aswell dont get me wrong I am learning to deal with my anxiety but I feel that my head has alot of weird stuff going on?.

Also I can forget the anxiety for a minute but then its like an anxiety wave it jerks me back to reality and wham I stiffen up again?odd!!


08-09-05, 20:43
I don't think you are crazy. I've had weird thoughts before. I can be sitting in the tub and think 'oh god what if I pass out and drown' or the kids will be going out to play and I think 'what if they get hit be a car'.
I think the problem is that most of us that suffer from anxiety are worriers. and when we have nothing at the moment to worry about our brains think new ones up for us.


08-09-05, 20:45
hello Kirgray,

You're not mad!! You're just doing what all anxiety sufferers do by worrying about things that you really don't need to worry about!! Try to think positive thoughts..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-09-05, 20:52

Just wanted to say you are not alone.I have crazy frightening thoughts about"the meaning of life" etc etc.Whilst on hols sunbathing on a roof terrace i suddenly had a vision of me jumping up running to the edge of the roof and jumping off!I keep thinking about suicide and it really drags me down.
You are certainly not mad,in fact you seem way more "normal" than me!

Hunny :)

08-09-05, 21:00
thanks guys was worried about posting that thought it might sound way weird!!. Hunny Ive had something similar to yourself I constantly have a worry of falling, on holiday I didnt feel safe lying with my head to the pool coz thought I may randomly end up falling in??. and god do not put me on a high bar stool as I dread I may just randomly fall backwards off it!!. I feel a need for things around me I think its an insecurity thing?, so your not mad either Hunny XKX

09-09-05, 05:35
I have to add my experience..
I had a panic attack that lasted an entire day. I was supposed to go to a museum with my kids and my parents and I almost chickened out because I was panicking so badly. First I was worried that I had a brain tumor and that I was going to crash the car while driving there. Then I worried about my son's ADD and how would he be helped if I didn't stay around? Then I worried about what if the elevator got stuck with us in it at the museum. Then I worried about what if it's possible for everyone to panic? I was thinking we'd all be better off dead if everyone started having panic attacks! Then I worried that my kids would fall down the elevator shaft before the elevator arrived. Then I worried that I'd lose my kids somewhere in the museum. I worried that my dad, who is 81 would have a heart attack right there at the museum. I worried that what if my kids were picking up bad ideas about the weapons (an armor museum with guns and knives.. LOL!) and would have nightmares or think that I was approving for them to hurt and kill people. I looked over a balcony to watch someone giving a demonstration and I thought, what if this balcony gives way right now? What if my daughter could slip through the bars and fall? What if the person giving the demonstration gets hit in the head by someone throwing something from the balcony? What if someone throws something at us from the balcony when we get downstairs? Then I was wondering if my husband was going behind my back to my mom and telling how crazy I'd been acting (the panic thing was still new to both of us and he was really scared) Then I thought, I'd better pretend to be really well in front of my mom. Then I panicked that people could see me panicking. Then I panicked about what if this panic attack never ends?? I swear, my body was shaking, the rooms were spinning, I couldn't keep my eyes focused on anything, I was sweating, I wanted to run away, I wanted to die, I wanted to live so that I knew my kids would be safe.. it went on and on and on.
This is such a bizarre disorder. I am so glad we have each other at this site. Glad to know that I am not alone.
Hang in there Kirst!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

09-09-05, 14:08
**dont get me wrong I am learning to deal with my anxiety but I feel that my head has alot of weird stuff going on?. **

These bigger picture wide world thoughts often do come as we're improving as you are now not so insular and have space in your head for looking outside yourself and beyond the next symptom.

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/lounge /topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3799
Have you ever achieved freedom from your thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3184)
'what if this is it this time thoughts' (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4694)
Mind racing? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3774)
The Battle that Rages in my Head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4149)
obsessional negative thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3343)
what if I kill someone? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1972)

You are not alone in this


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-09-05, 21:21
Thank you Meg, as always very helpful XkirstX

17-12-06, 16:01
Hello Hunny

I just joined the site and I have had OCD since I was a little girl. I am now in my thirties. You will see my history under "introduce yourself" section.

I have gone through having GAY thoughts, thoughts about children and now I have the suicide thoughts which as you say are petrifying. Deep down we know it is not what we want to do but it is just locked inside our brain and keeps tormenting us and you try to get on but it just gets so confusing. I had my OCD under control for the past few years and I was diagnosed with burnout and was just totally exhausted both physically and mentally and now the OCD has raised its ugly head again and it is really horrible. So I totally understand what your saying and how you feel.

Are you on medication? Since 21 I have been on one prozac a day but since the thoughts got really bad I have been told by my doctor to take two and it has helped. The thoughts are there but they don't take such a grip. I am also on chlorpromazine to help with the anxiety as when I get the thoughts I throw up and it is awful.

Happy to chat further.


<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hiya

Just wanted to say you are not alone.I have crazy frightening thoughts about"the meaning of life" etc etc.Whilst on hols sunbathing on a roof terrace i suddenly had a vision of me jumping up running to the edge of the roof and jumping off!I keep thinking about suicide and it really drags me down.
You are certainly not mad,in fact you seem way more "normal" than me!

Hunny :)

<div align="right">Originally posted by hunny - 08 September 2005 : 20:52:51</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

17-12-06, 16:20
I get the exact thoughts you said you did, like "The universe is big" and I get even weirder thoughts. I think we are just so used to sorting through our worries and we try to find answers to other, bigger wonders. You are NOT crazy, and most people, even without anxiety, get these thoughts occasionally.

Misery: you insist that the weight of the world should be on your shoulders. Misery: 'guess there's more to life than what you see, My Friend of Misery.

21-12-06, 21:05
I dont even think the thoughts mentioned are weird. I think most of us here are people who probably think outside the box somewhat. Thinking about the future is normal, thinking about existence and the universe is quite normal. The whole question of being here etc. I personally think alot of us have deep rooted issues surrounding our own and others mortality. Most anxieties seem related to health matters mental and physical.
I really hope all of us can shake this **** off, I hate the idea of myself or any of us wasting a second of life panicking about stuff that is often out of our control. Sorry, I think that was an abstract rant.

"It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens."
Woody Allen

21-12-06, 22:11
I totally agree with the Original post about thoughts about the universe, life and its meaning etc. It is a massive topic and I can't think about it for too long or I actually think my head will explode! or implode... I'm a teacher, and the kids are always asking questions about this (being a secondary science teacher makes them ask all the more!) and I just have to be really honest, admit we know not a lot and say that I can't think about it all for very long! The kids aren't afraid to ask such questions and think about it - I think some of the anxiety we all seem to suffer from comes from repressing these thoughts and not talking about them as adults. I know most of my friends seem to think I'm odd in some way, but am I really? Or are they just refusing to acknowledge the fact that they wonder about these things too...?!

01-01-07, 06:05
It Is Funny You all are talking about that cause all I think about is dying and where i will go when i die and that gets me really worked up cause i know i have been bad in my life. I also think alot about stuff going on in the wold right now and that makes me wonder if ill see tomorrow. This stuff really stress me out. I have kid and the last thing i want to worry about is them not getting to experience life you know.

01-01-07, 06:07
It Is Funny You all are talking about that cause all I think about is dying and where i will go when i die and that gets me really worked up cause i know i have been bad in my life. I also think alot about stuff going on in the wold right now and that makes me wonder if ill see tomorrow. This stuff really stress me out. I have kid and the last thing i want to worry about is them not getting to experience life you know.

celia davies
03-12-07, 19:32
I also have really weird thoughts like what our we doin here an why is a brush called a brush loads of stupid things an recently if i hear a plane or thunder i think the world is endin cause it scares me that much i feel soooooooooo stupid!

16-08-08, 00:57
:)Hello all unwanted thoughts in our head are nothing more than our anxiety and passing thoughts when you feel you have negative thoughts just challenge them!!! As an example I am going to die!! well change the thought to What evidence have I got that I am going to die??? and if so!!! So what!!!!!!!!!!!!! as much as it is scary it is the fear that keeps us trapped, and guided meditation is also good.... Thanks take care hinny45:bighug1:

12-01-09, 05:07
I found some of the comments interesting, thought i was the only one that thinks odd and weird thoughts.
At the moment all i am thinking about is why were here and what are we, crazy thinking and its constantly dwelling on my mind, making me scared, space out feelings and i have pressure on my head, wondering if that normal.
I have had anxiety since a teen and i know this does pass with time as have had this before just seems worse now than it use to be.