View Full Version : Just want to be myself

29-06-09, 20:13
Hi all, been off the site since my initial post, not sure why.

Just wanted to get peoples opinions and ideas really. I have been a bit low today as I have had a tight chest and a few episodes of feeling like I was going to lose my breath. Been off the Propranolol a while now but thinking of going back on it and see how I get on because to be honest I am just tired of constantly worrying, I am taking my pulse throughout the day, lord knows why, it can be anywhere from 60 to 86 BPM whether I am busy or at rest, don;t know what that means .... if anything.

Often getting the feeling that my heart is beating so hard it is going to jump out my chest, if I look down my body when I am sat down I can physically see my t-shirt move with the beat of my heart - is that normal - is it a sign I should be going to the docs with.

Just want to feel like my old self again!!!

29-06-09, 23:08
hiya hun, just want to send you big hugs and keep posting, i am sure lots on here will understand what you are saying and feeling, you are not alone xxxxx

30-06-09, 09:44
Thanks Donna, feeling a bit more positive today, just needed to vent yesterday I think. Back on Prop today, though only taking half a 40mg tablet to start with, just see how the day goes.

30-06-09, 09:54
I used to heart problems like the ones you describe. When my anxiety first started over 8 years ago and before it was diagnoised my heart would race and I would have irregular heartbeats which made it difficult for me to breath. I went to my doctor and she sent me straight to the hospital for an ECG which confirmed that my heart wasn't beating as it should. I was told I would have to see a cardiologist and have an ultrasound scan of my heart. In the meantime I was put on medication to make my heart beat normally. When I went for the scan everything was normal, and I was told my heart was perfectly healthy. When I started having other symptoms I was disgnoised as having anxiety. I have found that although my heart still races sometimes, my heart symptoms have been better since I found out it was due to anxiety. I learnt from this experience the terrible physical strain anxiety can have on your body.

30-06-09, 20:23
Had a bit of a crappy day today, back on prop and took half a 40mg tablet, been on them before so wasn't too concerned. Anyway, about midday I noticed I would be sitting and work and then "realise" I had no air, take a big breath and back to normal but slightly concerning. Spoke to doc who has said to stop taking the prop and am going to see him to chat about everything on Thursday.

Spent the rest of the day worrying constantly about my pulse being too low and also had waves of chest pain this afternoon into this evening. Only seemed to ease up in the last hour or so when I have been drinking water with Rescue Remedy in it and my pulse has started to rise back to the 70-76 mark.

Isn't this thing a pain in the a**e!!!