View Full Version : Break through

29-06-09, 21:33
I think I might be on the verge of a break through with my problems. I have referred myself to yet another therapist. This time I did this myself through Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) because I feel that my GP is getting tired of my various and seemingly unrelated complaints (I have depression, anxiety and IBS). Anyway I didn't hold out much hope. But I feel this guy really made a difference. He believes I have rapid cycling bi-polar and we discussed that my anxiety (which manifests itself as IBS), is related mostly to going work, and maybe caused by the fact that I fear that my new job will trigger a depressive episode. This makes so much sense to me. I feel like the pieces in the jigsaw are finally fitting together.

I'm both relieved and scared to death of the bi-polar diagnosis. I feel that the term itself will put me in a very precarious position when it comes to making decisions about my life and that of my daughter. Will other people like my employer and my family be able to use this against me. I am worried that people will take me less seriously now and I may even end up losing my daughter if people feel that I am not a good mother as a result of this diagnosis.

As I said: relieved and scared too.

30-06-09, 20:54
Hi Kurukulla

its nice to hear some positive news and well done you for refering yourself,i feel my gp is sick of the sight of me ha ha...

i have friends with bi-polar and it sounds quite scarey,but sometimes knowing what you are dealing with gives you a starting point,somtimes i wish i could put a name or something to me,rather than a list of symptoms or complaints as my gp probably sees it lol.

im sure you will make the right decisions as you seem very determind and that is really positive

good luck with what you do

lots of hugs skyxx

05-07-09, 15:27
Good luck hun,

I am sure people won't treat you any differently if they do what sort of friends are they, you won't lose your child, don't be worrying about that.

I am glad things are working out for you.


05-07-09, 17:02
Hi there

I have a friend who has been diagnosed with bi-polar for a long time. She has 5 kids and never once did anyone try to take them from her. Not only this but they are all great kids and have been a great support to her. The eldest 3 are now 21, 19 & 17 and are driving and the youngest is 8 and was born shortly after she became unwell but she coped and you will too.

Take care and best wishes
