09-09-05, 11:23
HI hope im posting in the right place [ not sure] any way as ive said i have had p/a for the past 4 years or so and i have 3 children my middle son is very shy and has no confidence [like me] but for a year or so now he often tells me he feels dizzy and wobbbly and sometimes when hes in bed he says he has a funny feeling like something hot is above him .[his words] can any one tell me if they think this is some sort of anxitey ive never told my kids about my p/a i just hope he dont have to go though what ive been though . thanks denise oh any by the way he is 9

09-09-05, 11:47
Hi dream. I have two kids, 12 and 16 years old and I'm pretty sure they have anxiety problems. My oldest tells me he gets claustrophobia and I think he also suffers from some OCD tendencies. My youngest also gets anxious. Yes, it's possible. I know my parents also suffered with anxiety and depression.

09-09-05, 14:23
Think Jill and our other parents are best placed to answer this one.

Think we've just done a thread on genetic tendancies... I'll try to find it


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-09-05, 15:00
Well, my mom had agorophobia, I have anxiety/panic/depression, my youngest has OCD.

I think that it is probably learned behaviour, we grow to be anxious as this is what we have seen. This saddens me so much as I truly believe that my daughter has problems which are all down to me.

Kate x

09-09-05, 15:28
thanks I really try not to show i have any anxietys but like you said kate i think he must have learned it from me and it makes me feel so bad would like to learn more about genetic tendancies thank you meg


09-09-05, 15:33

I think it possible.My son is 7 and he is an anxious,nervous child.He has lots of nervous "tics" and is scared of a lot of things.
He is ,however,a very outgoing sociable little boy,so he doent seem to have the shyness i had as a child.
Im so hoping it is something he will grow out of,he is very very in tune with other peoples feelings,which is good,but i often feel he worries more that he should be as his young age.
Its possible of course that for your son this will pass too and that he will not "go through what youve been through"
Does he have any problems at school?
I feel so guilty as i believe its down to me thats hes a little worrier.

Pm me any time

Hunny x

09-09-05, 19:34
HI ALL yes hunny he does have a few problems at school he is very clever but finds it very hard to make friends .he is fine on a one to one but ifs there more he will walk away he saye he likes being on his own to play his own games. he is very kind and senitive and kids can be so hurtfull with words he is such a worrier but now he is 9 only 2 years to the big school and i dont think he will cope but like you i feel soooooooo guilty [xx(]

10-09-05, 14:25
Hi Dream

So sorry to hear about your son:(

My daughter suffered panic, anxiaty from the age of 3, she is now 12 and doing very well.[^]
Please don't feel quilty becasue this will tear you apart, I must addmit whan my daughter has her little blips guilt does run through my mind because of how I have to deal with her. She has to learn how to deal with this on her own, learn how to manage her anxiiaty, change her thought patterns. I feel quilty because I just want to put my arms around her and tell her she will be ok. It hurts because I know what she is going through. But I know I have to be crule to be kind. As I have said she she is doing very well and I'm soooo proud of her [^]
I was told my the phico that it was in my daughter make up to be like this, she would grow out of it or have to learn to live with it[:O]
I don't believe she was born this way, befor this all started she was a confident and happy 3 year old. When going to bed she would always stand by the door and blow kisses and say night to everyone, then go up on her own. On holiday she at the age of 3 she enjoyed the kids clubs, she would try to march off on her own full of confidance saying, I's ok, I'm just going to the kids club, this did make me smile.
Since finding this site [^] I have tried to understand where my daugthers disorder has come from. Allthough at the age of 6 I was told the the valve that leads to her tummy was loose and she was suffering acid refux and anxiaty. I do believe now that she had, disassociation from the main carrer. After joining the nursery she was unable to handle the outside world, her thoughs were misfireing and she felt unsafe. She had alot of negative thoughts and did not know how to change them. So because it took them soooo long to find out what was wrong with her Panic and alot of anxiety symptoms come and bad habbits were formed.
Dream, Your son sounds liked a lovely child:D He lacks confidence and his thoughts are misfireing. He is unable to understand why he feels this way.You Can stop this, it takes alot of hard work and time, but it CAN be done. Try and build his confiedance. Talk to him about his thought patterns. I know because his is so young its hard. Depending on the situation he is worrying about there are lots of ways to put positive thinking in palce. Because they are sooo young you have to do things little by little and as each problem comes, Not sit him down and give hin a lecture. I'v tryed this in the past when my daughter was younger, I was talking to her about thought patterns and she just looked at me as if I'd lost the plot. LOL As I am writhing this I have just had a phone call from my hubby, He has took my son and daughter to alton park to see the car racing. He told me that our daughter has just threw up, this is her main symptom when her thougths misfire and her anxiaty levels rise, she will feel very unwell then throw up:( I will have a chat with her when she gets back. At the momemt her blips are very few and far between. One of the bad habbits that was formed is that she would not go anywhere without me, not even with her dad. She goes alot of places without me now[^] Since she as become older I am trying to teach her, that when she has her blips to find out what the trigger was, what her thought patterns where befor the blpi happend and what she could have done to prevent it.
I am also thinking that it could have been someting that she has eaten. So I will see when she gets back.
I am reading a book at the moment called, overcoming anxiety, a self help quide using CBT techniques maybe it will help you, and in turn help you help him.
I have thought about the genitic thing, it is all to esay as anxiaty sufferes to put the blame on ourseleve's and this in turn causes more problems than it worth. The most important thing is, it IS possible to get better.
If you think I can be of any help with your son. please PM me,