View Full Version : MRI Scan clear - still scared of anuerysm

30-06-09, 08:43
I don't mean to start a new post when there are similar - but I also don't want to hijack anyone else's post.

For the past 10 years I've had panic attacks primarily about brain anuerysms. I've had an incredibly bad headache for the past 8-12 weeks and finally convinced my doc to give me first a CT scan, and then when that was clear an MRI (I had one 2 years ago which was clear).

For weeks I've been feeling like there is a ticking time bomb in my head and that I will drop dead at any moment. I actually called an ambulance on the weekend cos my vision went funny too. They had a look at the scans at the hopsital and couldn't find anything - I was still panicking, but thought that once I had the radiologist's report I would feel completely reassured.

I got my formal results back today and they were clear, but I still feel like that time bomb is ticking. Why do I still feel like I'm going to die?

30-06-09, 09:25
I feel your pain, and your fear at the moment....

I worry alot about my head mainly because I'm suffering alot of tension headaches and every now and again I get a build up of pressure behind my eyes and nose (maybe sinus) then it goes.

I'm also getting ice pick type pains on the same spots over and over like all my skin and muscle is being pulled into a single spot on my head.

I had an CT scan done about 2 years ago and it was clear but slowly the fear as crept back in till now. The doctors are right so try not to worry.

30-06-09, 10:42
I don't mean to start a new post when there are similar - but I also don't want to hijack anyone else's post.

For the past 10 years I've had panic attacks primarily about brain anuerysms. I've had an incredibly bad headache for the past 8-12 weeks and finally convinced my doc to give me first a CT scan, and then when that was clear an MRI (I had one 2 years ago which was clear).

For weeks I've been feeling like there is a ticking time bomb in my head and that I will drop dead at any moment. I actually called an ambulance on the weekend cos my vision went funny too. They had a look at the scans at the hopsital and couldn't find anything - I was still panicking, but thought that once I had the radiologist's report I would feel completely reassured.

I got my formal results back today and they were clear, but I still feel like that time bomb is ticking. Why do I still feel like I'm going to die?

You feel like that becuase your problem isnt a health problem its an anxiety problem and you are just dealing with your anxiety symptoms by having your health checked out....your not dealing with the cause. In essence its the same as taking a paracetamol for a severed finger!! it might alleviate some of the pain but the finger is still severed!! Sorry very odd example to give i know.

I am the same as you, after each of my five negative HIV tests i felt better fro about three hours and then the 'feeling' came back.

We have to deal with the 'feeling' itself not the wacky illhealth beleifs it causes us to have


30-06-09, 15:31
Chebelle- I am sorry you are worried...but I think the reality is...we are all going to die! Not to make light of anyone else's situation, but think about it like this.....if anyone would have a choice of how we are going to die....at least an anurysum (SP?) would be fast. You would not have to be in pain for months just waiting on the day watching your body waste away! You must make the choice to LIVE instead of being afraid to die.

None of us are promised tomorrow and every single day that we all stress over illnesses is another day wasted when none of us are promised tomorrow. It is 1 more day that we robbed our love ones of our attention....1 more minute that we chose to be online searching Google instead of breathing the fresh air. At some point....you have to say forget it......if I am sick....Im going to enjoy this life to the fullest until the day I go. I fear HIV. I can't tell you how many HOURS I have spent online reading about it rather than doing something productive......I have really started to realize this and am starting to feel like....I had a - test, I did the responsible thing and got testes after millions have never had 1 done...so if I still have it after that......oh well, I will live everyday to its fullest until the day I drop dead from it.

All your tests came back clear....try to smile and have faith in that. There are people who were not so lucky.

Also, anxiety can cause "tension" headaches......that is likely what you have. Try to relax and enjoy the day....we can only take it day by day......HUGS, and this too shall pass!