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30-06-09, 09:32
Please can someone help me today

Im feeling very scared again today about hiv. I have had five tests in total and they were all negative and ages after the time when the tests are supposed to be reliable from. Only I read that there are many different sstrains of it and not all tests can pick up all strains.

I have been calming down a bit recently and feeling a bit better but today i am very frightened again because i had a strange achey feeling in my jaw and I started feeling around between my jaw and my ear . I read on net ages ago that folks withhiv get salivary gland swellings and i have found that i have a funny swollen thing right in the corner there. Can someone please help me see sense with this - i want soo much to just dismiss this but im so worried that im dong the wrong thing.

Does any one elsy feel anything like that there?

Im so scared


30-06-09, 12:00
Hey Lisa.

I have had the same worries as you about HIV before. I have also been tested many times simply down to my anxiety and still worry that some how the test results have been mixed up.

I have to also say that I don't think there are different strains of HIV as I have studied HIV as part of my college course and I have never came across that information. So I'm thinking perhaps it was wrong information you came across.
Plus if that was true then when you go to be tested for HIV they would test you for different strains, there would be no way they would risk missing it!

I get alot of odd feelings in my face when I am anxious plus the swollen glands if probably just where you are run down.
Anxiety takes a hell of alot out of you and as we all know makes you feel physically ill!

It is so hard to try to control your anxiety but don't let this beat you! You don't have HIV, the tests speak for themselves x

30-06-09, 12:16
Thanks so much

Thats good to know that you did that at college. I know that even just an hour or two after my negative tests and before i had even read any of the stuff on strains that i doubted my results. And there is you as well doubting yours and thinking the results were mixed up .....NEVER!!

Its the dreaded anxiety thats the problem isnt it.

I hate it

Thanks hun for replying


30-06-09, 12:29
When you think about it it really is crazy how different you think when you suffer with anxiety. It's nice to know that there are other people who understand you because I think sometimes my friends and family think I'm mad to be honest :(

Just remember you have had the tests done many times, they are negative and that you are safe :) x

30-06-09, 12:34
Lisa honey your fine, we both are! U know yourself, you've told me how accurate the tests are, the citapram is helping me, r u on that? It's been good for me so far.
Don't worry Hun your fine and DON'T google!

30-06-09, 12:40
Aw thank you GK and Cassy

Taking a deep breath and leaving my jaw alone. Your so right about our anxiety making us think so differently. This morning a asked a girl in my office if i could see what her jaw feels like... i mean OMG what a maniac. Fortuately she found it amusing. Hers appears to feel the same, but what does Lisa do? guess......decided that she has it too...it really is endless and its true what they say attempts at reassurance just encourage the brain to look for exceptions!! I do it everytime !!

Thanks again both of you


30-06-09, 15:20
You MUST remember that not everything that happens to our body is HIV.....or even something that happens to people with HIV! The only common link between those of us with it and without it is that we are ALL human and stuff happens to all of us. We all get sick...we all get aches, we all get viruses....the only difference....we have HA and notice every little thing.

want to hear something funny.....i noticed on my fingernails that I have a white half mooned shaped thing at the bottom of my fingernail right by my skin. I mean....COME ON WHO NOTICES THAT CRAP?? I went around for 3 days looking at peoples fingers to make sure they had it too....HA.....like that would have been a sign of HIV.

Lisa, you are fine! 5 tests...all -.......there are no new strains.....stop trying to be a scientists...the hours are long and the pay sucks! LOL

30-06-09, 18:24
five tests, all negatibve, you dont have it.