View Full Version : Increased dose to 40mg and feeling good!

Lion King
30-06-09, 19:25
Hi all,

Just to let you know that I have had the best rest from anxiety today with the new increase. I know its only 2 days but I am feeling much better, my side effects are not as bad as previous with increases, I just have dry mouth and a bit of shakiness in my fingers, but apart from that I am feeling much better.

I went to cbt session today and found myself being able to focus more on the triggers of anxiety that are affecting me. The more open minded, relaxed, positive and self accepting I have become the easier the anxiety is to control.

Still a long way to go but feels good to have a bit of normality.:yesyes:

Hope to all!

Lion King

01-07-09, 21:38
were you on 20mg before? And how long have you been on the lower dosage?

I've been on 20mg for about 4 to 5 weeks, i feel slightly better but not alot. I'm wondering if a higher dosage might be needed?

Lion King
02-07-09, 23:01
Hi Bigmo,

I was on 30mg before. I went 1 week 10mg, then 7 weeks on 20mg and felt ok at times but I would have bad bouts of anxiety unexpectedly so I upped to 30mg for 7 weeks, I felt ok and the anxiety was kept at bay most of the time but not to a level where I felt satisfied, so I increased to 40mg to see what difference it would make. At present I am feeling very well and very confident, I have had headaches for the last couple of days but I have been fine today, so I think I may have found the dose that suits me! From all information I read about citalopram, for anxiety a higher dose is more effective. I have been to cbt session and my depression and anxiety levels have dropped considerably so I think I am truly on the mend.

I hope you begin to feel well soon, my doctor advised jumping from 20mg to 40mg when i went see him, but I resisted and decided to stagger the dosage as the side effects can be quite intense. He also said that it takes a bit of playing around with the dose to find what suits yourself.

Keep tough

Lion King

21-07-09, 22:44
Any update Lion King on how you feel with 40g

Lion King
21-07-09, 23:00
Hi bigmo,

40mg has been pretty settled for me, my anxiety is about 20% at this moment in time, my confidence has increased and I am enjoying life so much better! I get the odd bouts of anxiety but this has only happened when I started with a mild version of swine flu (formerly known to all partners as man flu!). I think I will settle at this dosage for the next 6 months and see where I go from there!

Hope you are well


01-08-09, 17:38
hows it going Lion King, any update from you?

Lion King
02-08-09, 09:08
Hi Bigmo,

40mg seems to have settled my anxiety down, I can go some days when the anx is only 5% present but I think thats only natural otherwise we would all be robots! Hope you are well!


02-08-09, 09:29
which medication you taking in 40 mg?

02-08-09, 22:37
which medication you taking in 40 mg?

I'm guessing this will be Citalopram

02-08-09, 22:56
LK, if you want you can PM me with your MSN details (don't post them on the forum) and I will help you with the hypnosis/subliminal suggestion side of things. You might find it helpful to have your subconscious fighting anxiety without any effort on your part.

03-08-09, 19:03
LK, if you want you can PM me with your MSN details (don't post them on the forum) and I will help you with the hypnosis/subliminal suggestion side of things. You might find it helpful to have your subconscious fighting anxiety without any effort on your part.

Hi, PsychoPoet , ref the hypnosis/sublimina

Is there any chance you could start a post to give us the info to help us also?

Cheers mate