View Full Version : Colonoscopy in three days - prep?

30-06-09, 20:17
Hi all

I am having my colonoscopy on Friday, I have been prescribed Fleet. On Thursday I am supposed to just drink clear liquids. Does anyone know what diet I should follow on Wednesday (tomorrow)? I have been reading contradicting info that ranged from another clear liquid day through a low fibre diet to eat whatever I want.
Does anyone know which one is right?


30-06-09, 20:22
Well I ate whatever I wanted lol

30-06-09, 20:55
Hi all

I am having my colonoscopy on Friday, I have been prescribed Fleet. On Thursday I am supposed to just drink clear liquids. Does anyone know what diet I should follow on Wednesday (tomorrow)? I have been reading contradicting info that ranged from another clear liquid day through a low fibre diet to eat whatever I want.
Does anyone know which one is right?


OH has had a few of those. As far as I recall, for the few days before it was low fibre, i.e. clear soups, white rice, fish and nothing highly 'coloured' such as beetroot which might mess up the test. Did they not give you a specific diet sheet? Anyway hope this helps and good luck.

30-06-09, 20:55
I just ate normally too. Hope all goes well for you :)

30-06-09, 21:02
Yeah I wasnt even prepared for mine, it was a complete surprise!
In fact unless they have given you specific instructions then I wouldn't deviate from your normal diet, as that may also alter the test!

By the way, it doesnt hurt at all.

30-06-09, 21:06
Oooops! I meant to say that it doesn't hurt at all either - good thinking moore lol!

30-06-09, 21:51
They didn't tell me anything about 2 days before....just the day before. However, like the other poster said, stay away from anything with red or orange dye. I am sure they told you that the day before, no Jello with red color. I'd stay away from ANY color stuff starting tomorrow just to have the test under perfect conditions. I was sedated and knew nothing at all...it was a breeze. The prep, I had Fleet ginger-lemon fizzy stuff, you will be in the bathroom a lot so stay close to home. Hope it all goes well!

30-06-09, 21:53
Mine hurt a lot lol but then I did have abcesses that they couldn't get past lol

30-06-09, 23:12
the purpose of a colonoscopy is to get a clear lining of the bowel and therefore you have to clear it as much as possible. they should provide you with instructions to do this.
in my case i had a low fibre diet for 4 days so no brown bread, fruit and veg etc and the day before i drank plenty of clear fluids along with the fleet.

all the best

01-07-09, 18:26
Hi all,

thanks very much for the info. Today has been a LONG day so far, I had to get up at 4am to catch my flight at 6, then I had a three-hour flight home, then I had to run around town for various stuff (preparing for my wedding which I can hardly concentrate on because of HA & colonoscopy), but I am now finally at my Mum's house ready for the Fleet attack tomorrow.

I decided to go with low fibre diet. Yesterday (Tuesday) lunchtime was the last time I had some food that had fibre in it. Then late last night I had some bread, this morning (Wednesday) I had an egg and a croissant, then a glass of milk at lunchtime and loads of clear fluids, then just now some clear soup with half a potato. The plan for tomorrow (Thursday) is Fleet at 7am with loads of fluids, clear broth, water and ice tea for lunch, Fleet at 7pm with loads fluids again. Do you guys think this is ok?

I have massive "scanxiety" about Friday's results. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed!!!!! xxx

01-07-09, 18:39
It sounds good to me. I have had several colonoscopies as there is colon cancer in our family. The bowel prep also made me nauseaous and I didn't have any problems on the day itself. Afterwards I slept for most of the day. The following day I felt a bit fragile. I'm sure you'll do fine. Best wishes for your wedding.

02-07-09, 06:32
Thanks Elizabeth. I have just taken the first prep - it was ok, not as bad as I thought it would taste, just like very salty water.
Now I am waiting for the effect... fingers crossed!

03-07-09, 18:41
I don't have bowel cancer!!!! :shades::yesyes::flowers::yahoo::):roflmao::doh::b lush:

03-07-09, 18:43

Now I just bet your anxiety levels have dropped eh?

WELL DONE YOU!!:yahoo:

03-07-09, 19:26
Great News!! These past months have been such an ordeal for you, and you have suffered so much mental torture - you can enjoy life now, and all the plans you have for the future. Big hug you have been very brave xxx

03-07-09, 20:50
So glad you had good news. You were braver than I would have been! :)

03-07-09, 21:12
Great news Amu - what did they say it was then?

04-07-09, 08:00
Thanks all, yes I am so relieved, I just need to make sure I don't relapse (into HA), I need to get CBT/counselling as soon as possible.

Not sure what it is. They did another ultrasound as well, and everything looked fine, liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, womb etc. I am hoping that maybe just my body (I mean the bone structure and the muscles) are a bit asymmetric.

It seems that I might have PCOS, but that's a different issue.

By the way, no one should be afraid of a colonoscopy. I had to have one anyway because of my family history. If anyone has family history of bowel cancer, please go and have it checked out - it is NOT as bad as they say, the sedative is great and it's over in no time.

Amu :hug: