View Full Version : Going mad or is cancer??

30-06-09, 20:18
Please, please can anyone help. I have suffered from health anxiety for as long as i can remember over the past 2 years it has been particularly bad, in fact last year I had the most fantastic doctor (fortunatley) as I was there every day for about 1 month, eventually the anti-dep and cbt kicked in and i started to be able to rationalise a cope on my own.

Lately i have felt that i am starting to loose my mind again and will end up the same way as last year or worse...

Today I think i felf a small lump at the top of my jaw near to my ear and temple, i know I have pressed it too much as now it hurts at least i hope its with me pressing. I now have an ache inside my ear like a bruise when i put my finger in it....gross i know.

Mr right side of face including my eye doesnt feel as though it belongs to me.

I,ve also been clammy a lot and waking in the night.

I really need some help as i go away in two weeks on my own with my young son and i am terrified that a) I have cancer somewhere in my face or b) i am losing the plot again and i will panic on holiday. I really need the holiday as had a lot to deal with over the past year which was what kicked started my anxiety

Sorry for the long post:weep: :weep:

30-06-09, 21:09
Hello Kristy,

I think if would be a good idea to see your doctor so you can nip this anxiety in the bud before it gets a real hold of you. As you say you have been under stress for the past year, and you really do need to enjoy your holiday without feeling anxious. Health anxiety is a horrible condition to cope with, but at least if you can recognise the warning signs you have the chance of getting it under control again. It is good to hear the anti depressants and cbt helped you, and you were able to manage it on your own; I am sure with a little reassurance from your doctor you will begin to feel stronger again.

30-06-09, 21:21
There are lots and lots and lots of different types of lumps that you can get, some hurt, some dont, some hurt if you mess with them. Only very occasionally are they cancer. The reason you need to get it checked out is to make sure it's not cancer.
I always make a point of having my lumps checked out because it puts me at ease. I have a sebaceous cyst on my head which is a massive lump the size of a 10p, and I have a lipoma behind my ear. Another on the back of my jaw which nobody knows what it is. Among many others.

Panic/anxiety can make your face feel numb as can a lot of other things including sinuses. Check that you havent lost motion in the face though and that you can close your eye, your face should look symmetrical as you move it eg smile and blink. If not, get that checked out very soon!

Typically the doctors take one look and evaluate lumps within about 5 seconds and then you can be on your way.

Hope that helps a bit!! I've had face related stuff going on for the last few days too, so you're not alone on that!

01-07-09, 07:02
Thank you for your replies. I have woken this morning and my face on that side feels bruised and aches, i will go to doctors today and let you know how it goes. Thank you:blush:

11-07-09, 21:42
Hi, thought I would let you all know that I have been to the GP and she said it was normal and just my jaw probably caused the pain by prodding it!!!
Gave me a presciption for a book called "stop worrying about your health" quite good

11-07-09, 23:29
Hi Kristy, I'm glad it was nothing to worry about. It sounds like your anxiety has tried to reassert itself after your initial victory. The nasty truth about anxiety is that it wants to live and it will fight back when you try to squash it.

You probably got into a "habit" of worrying about your health and although your medication and cbt have clearly been effective, you are still lapsing into the "habit" of health anxiety. It is possible to change, it just takes time and practice, so don't see this as a sign that you are always going to be over-anxious. You have been making good progress. Maybe you could raise your game slightly by using different tactics to deal with the anxiety. Hypnosis, maybe, or getting more involved in your hobbies. Make sure you tell your cbt doctor that your health anxiety is still there and focus your cbt sessions on dealing with it.