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View Full Version : going to hospital tomorrow!

30-06-09, 21:47
Feeling very anxious tonight as we are going to the hospital tomorrow with my daughter who is going to be seen after having some blood in her urine some weeks ago.I worry really badly about most things but I know I will have the tell-tale symptoms all through the night,diarrhoea on waking,churning stomach etc,I was a pain in the you know what today at work as I was thinking about it constantly.I have a little voice inside my head saying it won't be as bad as you think I bet,but I just feel uneasy.She is quite a good kid actually and is very sensible but does tend to over-react at people looking at her and she will cry if they send her for a scan or something like that which will set me off.Has anybody else had an experience similar?I will post and let you all know how it all went.

01-07-09, 02:25
I don't have any children but I can appreciate the stress this whole ordeal is causing you. Don't be too hard on yourself, I think it is understandable for a mother to be worried for their children and I am sure everything will be okay. You'll all be in my thoughts because I'll be hoping everything goes well !
Take Care
Love -Bluebelle

01-07-09, 08:16
Good luck with the visit. I hope you're not feeling too anxious, but I know how difficult it is to control. Please let us know how you got on. Hugs :hugs:

02-07-09, 23:09
Hi guys,thanks for all your replies.The visit wasn't too bad only they were more intersted in me than in my daughter.I have kidney problems and they tested my urine and my husbands whilst we were in clinic and I have high levels of protein and blood in mine,Emilys is ok thank god and so is Gary's.I am waiting for a phone call from them to see what happens next and as you can imagine my anxiety over this is really bad.I have had a really bad pain in my lower back for a while now so I am imagining all sorts of things,I will let you know how I get on in due course.

02-07-09, 23:16
I've only just seen your post:blush: I'm really glad your appointment is over and that your daughter is doing okay. Hope they get in touch with you sooner rather than later and put your mind at ease with your results. I bet you feel worn out with all the anxiety. Stay positive.
