View Full Version : Desperate

30-06-09, 23:26
Hi guys,

It's been a while since I've posted here. When things are tough I always find myself coming back to NMP. It's my safe place.

I am feeling so bad just now. My life feels as if it is falling to pieces. I need a sign... I need something to happen to show me that things will get better. I can't go on like this for much longer. I am almost at breaking point. I'm holding on with the little bit of strength I have left.

Please just give me a sign... Something, anything...

01-07-09, 01:20
Hope this works:bighug1: ....


01-07-09, 02:16
I am so sorry to hear how you're feeling-I know how awful it can be to feel this way. You're not alone dearest there is always loads of support from people on NMP. I am fairly new here and I cannot believe how understanding and supportive people are here.
One thing I tell myself when I feel like I am about to cave into all the grief anxiety causes is "This can't last forever". At the time I don't really believe it but if I keep thinking it I start to come around a bit.
I am sending you big hugs from Canada !

01-07-09, 07:19
Lou, I know its hard to believe but you will soon feel better. You have got through this before and you will get through it again. Just take each day at a time each hour or minute if a days too long. look at the clock and decide to smile just for 1 minute and make small things count. Congratulate yourself for every little effort you make. Even getting out of bed. Making tea so on so on. You will kick this hun for sure. xxxxxxxxxxxxx lots of love