View Full Version : My friend needs help...

01-07-09, 04:43
She feels bad all the time. ):

She has anxiety, bad, so I don't know if it relates.

She says, in her words:

''Like my head starts exploding [in the mornings]. And behind my eyes feel like they're bleeidng and I start vomiting."

Now she's afraid to be awake, pretty much, and I just want to help her ;_;

Any advice? Thank you so much...

01-07-09, 19:52
She feels bad all the time. ):

She has anxiety, bad, so I don't know if it relates.

She says, in her words:

''Like my head starts exploding [in the mornings]. And behind my eyes feel like they're bleeidng and I start vomiting."

Now she's afraid to be awake, pretty much, and I just want to help her ;_;

Any advice? Thank you so much...

I assume you have asked her what she is anxious about? The main way you can help her is really just to see what she would like you to do - and she may just want you to listen to her and understand what she is feeling and why, and take her seriously, which you are.

Aside from that, she is the person responsible for helping herself, but if her anxiety is that bad (it really sound like she might have depression too), I'd really recommend you try and persuade her to see a doctor or health professional.

It would be her decision whether to do that - but if she's hit rock bottom then she might be willing to give it a go just because she has nothing to lose. Then hopefully she'll be given some treatment options and get started on the road to recovery.

Look after yourself too (it's important to keep yourself happy and healthy so you don't get overwhelmed by worrying about her yourself) - important to realise you can't 'fix her' yourself [I made all these mistakes].


01-07-09, 20:22
your friend is so lucky to have some one like you who cares so much about her. i think all you can do is encourage her to seek some help, but she will only do it if she feels ready herself. In the mean time just support her, but be careful you dont take it all on your own shoulders and worry so much about her you make yourself ill ( iv made that mistake in the past too ):hugs:

05-07-09, 15:23

Sounds to me like shes experiencing tension headaches.

Its severe tension of the muscles which can cause the symptoms you describe.

I also have a tight neck & head and my eyes are bad and i feel dizzy & sick to.

Massage the scalp & neck & shoulders & see about some tension head pain relief and reasure her its all ok and maybe do some breathing exercises with her when she is in a panic

Just my thoughts & good luck :hugs:

08-07-09, 06:47

Sounds to me like shes experiencing tension headaches.

Its severe tension of the muscles which can cause the symptoms you describe.

I also have a tight neck & head and my eyes are bad and i feel dizzy & sick to.

Massage the scalp & neck & shoulders & see about some tension head pain relief and reasure her its all ok and maybe do some breathing exercises with her when she is in a panic

Just my thoughts & good luck :hugs:

Oh my, she may have that!
I'm asking her about it now. <3 Thank you so much!