View Full Version : My symptoms

09-09-05, 19:24
Here is a list of my symptoms, I'm sure these are common. Sometimes I have a habit of inventing my own.

Fuzzy eyesight.
Colours seeming really bright
Cold hands and feet
Sweating, even on a cold day.
When I look at the sky or light background I get black dots all over my eyes.
Rapid Heartbeat
Feelings of not being where I am
Things moving really fast in my vision, like in one of those old fashioned silent films.
Sensitive hearing
Tension in my neck and shoulders
Instability, dizziness
Loss of Confidence
Tension at the top of my head.

09-09-05, 19:54
Yes, you are right, all very common anxiety symptoms!

Kate x

09-09-05, 19:57
Absolutely.Common anxiety symptoms.


09-09-05, 20:20
Yeah, definetly common symptoms, nothing to worry about[8D]

"The truth is out there" Frank Gallagher, Shameless

09-09-05, 22:30
Hi Roby,

Like everyone has said, they are all commom symptoms.
I was most intrested in the symptom, things moving very fast.
I have not had this symptom but my daughter has. She says its
like looking at a video an fast forward.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

10-09-05, 00:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Roby,

I was most intrested in the symptom, things moving very fast.
I have not had this symptom but my daughter has. She says its
like looking at a video an fast forward.

</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

for years I thought this was to do with drugs/brain damage, your the first person who has said they have this symptom (well your daughter). This was my most frightening symptom. Such a relief!!!!

It does seem like a Charlie Chaplin film though!!!

10-09-05, 00:38
Hi Roby,

My daughter has had her symptoms since she was 3 she is now 12 and doing very well [^]
I'm not sure how many times she has had this symptom, when she was younger she found it very hard to explain things.
It was last year when she was having a blip she was shouting at me and crying telling to to slow down. After the blip was over we talked about it and thats when she explained. I put this down to DP/DR.
I can safely say she is not on drugs and never has been LOL



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledg conqers fear.