View Full Version : Intro and current thoughts, worries and recovery steps.

01-07-09, 13:45
Hey all,

I've been suffering HA for several years now, however, I've only really nailed what to call it after discovering these forums and recent trips to the DR.

I've always been very worried about my health. Every bump, pain, spot and whatever else is instantly thought of to be cancer or some other terrible thing.

Even though I know I suffer HA - my head still can't get out of the loop of the current symptoms being the 'real' ones that will get me.

Here's my current standing:

I recently had some blood + urine tests for a problem I was worried about. All came back clear, however i did talk a lot about my HA with my DR who was great and suggested I see a psychologist, which I'm going to get onto.
Has anyone else had help with this? Also - how does meds like Zoloft work with HA, does anyone find that it helps?

Anyway, after making plans to deal with my Anxiety - more triggers occur. My right leg now feels 'strange' and 'heavy'. If feels like I have to 'think' about moving with it. My hand also is feeling cramped and strange.

Now i'm thinking i've got MS.

HA really is a nasty thing. You always think, 'if only this got better I'd be great' but then something else comes and takes its place.

Feeling very low about all this, and even though I know i have HA - this MS scare feels very real. I'm hoping that the symptoms are something to do with my anxiety.

Anyway, just thought I'd intro myself and let you all know my current standing.

Thanks for reading everyone!

01-07-09, 14:05
Hey captainworry.
I have the same worries as you right now about MS!
To cut a long story short 2 1/2 years ago I had double vision and numbness, went to optician and doctor and was told it was trapped nerves and eye strain/lazy eye. I don't know if this is anything to do with it but at the time I was very depressed.

So the last year I have had alot of odd sensations in my body, doctor says its over active nerves. Half of me trusts my doctors, half of me says they're wrong.

I have also had a tingly in my finger and thumb for nearly a week. Anyway today I have decided enough is enough. I know its a very morbid way to look at it but if I do have MS I do, theres nothing I can do about it. Plus it is horrible obviously but doesn't mean you will die from it.

Anyway obviously I hope I don't have it though but since I have taken on this attitude with my anxiety I have hardly felt any tingling so I think it proves it was my HA.

It really is amazing when you think about it how much your mental health can seem to affect your physical health. I guess all this anxiety has to come out somewhere and decides to come out through our bodies as physical symptoms.

I really am sure you are fine. You just have to try to believe it x

02-07-09, 00:44
Thanks for your reply cassy, not good that you are feeling the same kinda way - but thanks a lot for letting me know and giving me some advice. I'm in a dark place with this right now where all this problem after problem has sapped me, with this MS fear being the worst after a long line of issues. Going to head for a swim, exercise seems to help a bit.

02-07-09, 02:32
Also, does anyone have any advice on Zoloft + psychologist for HA.

I'm definitely going to see a psychologist but just wondering if Zoloft combined with talking with someone would be the way to go.

05-07-09, 06:47
Anyway, starting to not worry so much about MS...
It's not moved onto 'burning eye'.
Being out last night my eyes started burning and watering so much that i had to go home. Going to try drops today - but you all know what my head is thinking - 'blindness' or some other terrible eye thing going on.

anyone else have this?