View Full Version : advice please

01-07-09, 14:39
I just wondered if anyone can help me to deal with what I am thinking about having given my partner HIV although i have been tested negatively five times. I have conveniced myself that we both have signs and symptoms and that the tests are wrong. I have been feeling a lot better but things keep spoiling my progress with it all.

Well i am currently having probems beleiving that my partners increase in body hair is nothing to do with him having contracted hiv from me.

Can anyone tell me if its normal for a male to sometimes have an increase in body hair - its like some back hair and more on the back of his neck than he used to have, also he says he has to shave more often than he used to. And i am convinced also that the smell of his footsweat has totally changed. And to make matters worse he said he noticed all this just when he met me aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

I dont know if he is trying to wind me up withthat comment becuase he thinks im being totally daft.

Itf really freaking me out

Anyone help me with this??



01-07-09, 14:44
hun - u got to stop using symptoms of sorts to diagnose things, hiv can have no symptoms and the symptoms it does have are also things u can naturally get wen ur immune system is low due to stress, diet etc etc basically you may have many things - stress a virus of some kind etc etc but you have had an HIV test so therefore this is one of the things you DO NOT have and you can rule that one out


01-07-09, 15:08
increase in body hair is perfectly normal in men (and sometimes women! LOL!) and expected - as you get older. As to when it starts, how much, and how quickly, is down to genetics.
Something I can wait for, I know its coming...I dont fancy the idea of being hairy all over!!

foot sweat? what?? LOL

stop worrying!

01-07-09, 15:16

5 times and you still don't believe it? wow!

Ok what if you do have it? Now what? What would you do?

01-07-09, 15:16
increase in body hair is perfectly normal in men (and sometimes women! LOL!) and expected - as you get older. As to when it starts, how much, and how quickly, is down to genetics.
Something I can wait for, I know its coming...I dont fancy the idea of being hairy all over!!

foot sweat? what?? LOL

stop worrying!

Thanks Moore

He is 34, do you thinks thats okay?

01-07-09, 15:41
Hey Lisa.

I really feel for you, this one is really getting to you isn't it. Honestly you do not have HIV I would put money on that you don't.
And remember I told you I have studied HIV before and extra hair growth is not a symptom!

01-07-09, 15:49

5 times and you still don't believe it? wow!

Ok what if you do have it? Now what? What would you do?

Thanks Cassy

Nicola, im not sure. I know that as far as I am concerned I would just have to accept it and get treatment. But its the fear for my baby and other half. I suppose its guilt really that i would suffer with. I know that it is not at all likely becuae of my tests but it like i just 'feel' that somehow it is happening and these weird things like his hair and my glands and the whole Pcos symptoms that i seem to have but dont have pcos is all just making me think that I am right to doubt my tests. Its like i read on internet once that folks with hiv have hormone imbalancement and it all seems to be happening to me


01-07-09, 18:51

Lisa this thread may help you x

01-07-09, 19:12
Don't know about u but once I'm a bit done with worrying I've got it, I worry I might get it.....

02-07-09, 10:43

Lisa this thread may help you x

Thank you Cassy, i had read that before and forgotten how helpfull it was. I certainly am seriously wound up and in all fairness i think my other half is pretty stressed to what with us having a new baby and me randomly telling him i think we have hiv.......hmmmm

anyway thanks dear


07-07-09, 17:27
Lisa- I private messaged you...but wanted to post here too....you know you are fine! You know what this is...anxiety...you know why it is here and how to handle it! This is nothing new....it is like brishing your teeth. So, stop and take a breath....and think rationally.....

1. HIV is an IMMUNE SYSTEM disease....which fights infection and has nothing to do with hormones!

2. If HIV was diagnosed based on symptoms, we'd all have it because we are ALL human and things happen to our bodies! We get sick, hair grows and falls, hormones change.....it is part of being human not having HIV.

3. You have had 5 tests...all -....you are fine!

By the way, my hubby's hair is falling from his head and landing in his ears and on his back...LOL. I make jokes to him all the time! Think about all the old men you see with hairy ears, backs, and unibrows with bald heads! Relax....and remeber what stress does to hormones!