View Full Version : Citalopram side effects

01-07-09, 15:43
Hello all,

A couple of weeks ago I noticed id had a headache on the right side of my head....not a particulary bad headache but it was almost constant for a month. The headache was accompanied by floaters in my vision, a sinking feeling in my head sometimes, poor focusing of my eyes, and twitches (myclonic seizures/body jerks). I was yawning loads although not particularly tired or overly tired. I was on 60mg of citalopram.

I wasnt worried (citalopram works if you give it time).

I went and got this checked out at the good old NHS GP who did the physical test for any neurological problems and seemed to think I was fine. She reduced my doseage to 40mg and gave me the option of having it investigated further which I opted for (got to keep an eye on body its useful for lots of different stuff). I had some blood work done.

I got the results which suggested everything was tres bon but my bone profile came back abnormal....so i got this checked and my protein and albumin were slightly off.

Doc suggested its likely to be medication or diet that has effected these levels which Im happy with but I am still concerned with the twitches/jerks/seizures.

They do seem to have decreased in severity and fequency since the reduction of citalopram however they are still occuring.

Has anyone had similar side effects?

09-07-09, 15:26
Since nobody replied I am to presume I am nothing less than a freak.

Following somebodies advice I began takin gthe meds at night and the headaches have all but gone. I still get the spasms but less frequently and less violently.


09-07-09, 16:06
Hi there

I shall move it to the Citalopram forum where it is maybe better suited.

09-07-09, 17:30

I have been very twitchy since being on Citalopram. I notice this particularly when I am attempting to relax in the evenings, it is basically impossible to sit still without experiencing involuntary movements. I have only been on the medication for 2 weeks though (20mg), and am putting it down to that. Also been yawning almost constantly despite sleeping relatively well.

Interesting that changing the time of day you take the medication made you feel better - that's good :) Hope all is well with you.


06-09-09, 12:52
hi this is my first time loggin on to this site. i am on day 6 of citalopram and was wondering when do the horrible side effects go away? i take 20mg at around 8.30am and the first 4/5 hours are terrible...its more than anxiety...feels like my depression is worse. is it to early to see my GP and say that - do i 'sit it out' and hope that it is still early days? in the evenings i feel a bit better but would really like some advice as this site seems v honest. thanks

jaded jean
25-07-10, 20:51
Hi all
Yes the first couple of weeks is like a white water ride with your emotions, you will get fuzzy vision floaters , you will jerk and twitch , your anxiety will be up and down like a yoyo. You may also get hot or cold flushes, your appetite may go down the pan, and the headaches ! , But,,, it does not happen to everyone. this is the medication finding its own levels and starting to help you. I have been on it nearly five months , I went back to the doctors after 4 days!! I said it wasnt working. I was told to ride it through , I did not read the information sheet as that can make you feel 100% worse and after the 2 weeks which I have noticed is the period of time when you start noticing a change. Read the sticky on citalopram survival guide , It is informative and will help you through this. I treat it as the bible, though I go into the chatroom for reasurance . You will all get through it.