View Full Version : anxety through the roof

01-07-09, 15:50
my anxiety has been sort of under control for a year but last 2 weeks dont know whats happened - health anxiety gone mental - scuse the pun

came out in a rash last week and now im in such a panic - what am i allergic to? will i get anaphylactic shock etc

rash now gone but im so so itchy - dont think its a heat rash as the rash itself has gone but the itch is driving me mad - scuse pun again

in such a panic and now avoiding things and food in case im allergic

01-07-09, 16:30
I sometimes get similar issues, like when i went to france i walked thru a forst in sandals and then got well panicky cause my tongue started itching and i was convinced i was gonna get anaphylaxis. but such reactions are really rare and also are immendiate so you would know immediatly not later. also if you never had any reactions to common allergy foods in past ie nuts shellfish i wouldnt worry.maybe ur rash was heat related?